Jul 02, 2009 21:15
I finished this book today, and the ending was unbelievable!!! I loved it so much. The protagonist goes through so much to regain her daughter. In the end, she is at her own parents' house about to sleep. Her mind momentarily races with the thoughts of everything that could go wrong. Then the narrator observes:
Con esas mismas manos detiene los negros presagios. Los empuja, como el firmamento a las nubes turbias una vez pasada la tormenta. Se han ido. Sucias, desganadas, caprichosas, no han tenido más remedio que partir.
Y, entonces, el cielo. O el eco del cielo.
Cuán azul ha quedado.
Roughly translated, it reads:
With those same hands, she wards off the black omens. Pushes them, like the earth does the bleary clouds once the storm has passed. They've gone. Dirty, apathetic, capricious, they have had no choice but to leave.
And then the sky. Or the echo of the sky.
How blue it remains.
And for some reason, I found that thought profoundly resonant, given my current situation. I lost it, and it was a good cry.
women's issues,