About the Drama...

Dec 24, 2008 12:01


Several people have recently engaged in veiled posts about a certain situation that is apparently resulting in a lot of frustration and schism.  To be honest, I don't get it.  I don't get how people can take sides, ask anyone they love to take sides, or even feel like being on "a side" is somehow real.

The deepest truth I keep coming back to in all of this is that we have to love each other.  We have to be compassionate.  And most schisms (including this one) are grounded in our ability to keep ourselves ignorant of that truth and the way we make each other feel.

No one should be quick to parcel out judgment or gossip.

At the end of the day, all parties involved in this... what shall I call it? -- kerfluffle... are worthy of respect, understanding, compassion, generosity, and love.  When we are standing before the brink of dark curtains or trees of refuge, we're all the same.  I should think there had been enough last breaths this month to remind us of that.  And life is a little short, our bonds to each other (faulty as we may make them) too precious to forget that.

So... to all of you who are hurt, alienated, angry, frustrated, lonely, fearful of never finding love, torn, on a side, choosing a side, touting a side, or whatever...  I wish you peace, joy, warmth, closeness, love, community, and the remembrance of being each other's blood.



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