Week 189 - Heat

Jun 19, 2009 02:48

It was only the second week of June, and already the temperature was unbearable.

The warm sun that’d been such a welcome break from the bitter cold of winter now baked the earth with its unrelenting, scorching rays. Even the air had become uncomfortably humid, causing damp clothes to stick to skin in the most unflattering of ways.

Kagome pulled at her heavy robes, desperate for relief. Frowning, she glared up at Inuyasha who seemed perfectly content.

“How can you just sit there like that?”

“What?!” He looked down at her bewildered.

“I’m sweating buckets and you’re sitting up there, happy as a clam! Oh, just nevermind!”

He didn’t give her the opportunity to storm off. Moving quickly, he wrapped her around his back and darted through the forest at blinding speeds.

Eventually they stopped in a clearing adjacent to a small waterfall. The water that pooled at its base looked clear and calm and, more importantly, incredibly refreshing.

“There’s more than a few ways to beat the heat around here,” he murmured, coming up behind her. His finger slipped inside the collar of her robes and slowly pulled them off her shoulder.

“Oh?” A sigh escaped her as his lips moved across her damp skin.

“Mmm hmmm…,” he continued, while his hands wandered languidly over her body to remove the rest of her clothes.

“I was thinking of going for a swim. You should come,” he whispered, his voice filled with suggestion.

He didn’t need to ask twice.

langus, #189 heat

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