Week 158 - High School AU

Sep 14, 2008 03:04

Kagome Higurashi had a secret.

It kept her company during the bleary-eyed morning treks into school. It made each tedious day pass by in a flurry of anxious anticipation. It brought a smile to her lips each night in those last moments before she drifted off to sleep. Oh yes, Kagome Higurashi had a big secret and it was hers to cherish and protect.

It was Friday, 3:00 PM. There was only an hour left until school was done for the day. With chin resting on hand, she stared dazedly out the window at the spring blossoms on the schoolyard trees and waited impatiently for class to begin.

Last period was always her favourite of the day. Her friends couldn’t understand why she never wanted to skip last period and go with them to the mall. She tried to brush it off with weak excuses about her grades slipping and her Mom keeping her on a short leash. After a while they’d stop asking her to come, but she really didn’t mind.

Hearing the door to the classroom slide open and snap shut, she directed her attention to the front of the room and felt a familiar pang in her chest. The warmth she’d grown accustomed to over the past six months spread through her veins like warmed sake. Behind the teacher’s desk stood a beautiful male specimen, utterly perfect in every way. Sesshomaru Taisho - history teacher extraordinaire. He glanced up at the room at large while he organized his notes, though his eyes avoided her completely.

“Let’s begin,” he stated in that smooth baritone she loved so much.

The class obeyed immediately - cellphones were tucked away, card games were postponed, conversations halted. When he spoke everyone listened. Practically glowing with happiness, Kagome flipped open her textbook to the designated page and made ready to take notes.

Moving with a certain grace that only he seemed to posses, Prof. Taisho made his way to the whiteboard and jotted down a few dates and names. Apparently they were going to be discussing the Meiji Restoration - what fun. He snapped the lid back onto the whiteboard marker with a loud ‘clack’ and turned around to fix the class with a stern, golden-eyed stare.

“Can anyone tell me who the key figures in the Meiji Restoration were?”

A few students put up their hands, a few looked ready to fall asleep. Kagome smiled in her seat and tried to ignore the warmth pooling between her thighs. But damn did he ever look hot in pinstripes. His eyes roamed the classroom for a few seconds before settling on her. She shrank back and squirmed under his probing gaze.

“Higurashi - Care to answer the question?”

The blood rushed to her face shading her cheeks crimson as she stared hopelessly at the word-filled pages of her textbook.


He lifted a contentious eyebrow at her as he was inclined to do when unimpressed by something. She could feel the sweat glistening on her brow and the blood was roaring like a freight train in her ears. Gods, why did he have to pick on her? She squirmed a little more in her seat before squeaking out a very defeated sounding, “I don’t know?”

“And that, class, is why it is ALWAYS a good idea to come prepared. Ms. Higurashi - see me after class.”

His demand was followed by a round of the obligatory ‘oooo’s and quiet snickers. Kagome could feel her face burning and shrank further down in her seat. She’d never understand why he got off on embarrassing her that way. He took no small amount of pleasure in it either, in fact, she was certain he enjoyed it immensely.

It was another forty minutes before the last bell of the day sounded. While everyone else bounded up from their seats, Kagome slowly packed her bag. A few students sent her sympathetic looks as they strolled by her desk on their way to the door. She smiled meekly up at them and slowly latched her bag shut. It was only after the last student’s back disappeared out the door that she stood from behind her desk. With her arms crossed in front of her chest, she glared at him as he calmly collected the papers on his desk.

“Was that really necessary?”

“Was what necessary?” he retorted evenly.

“Calling on me in front of everyone like that and making me look like an idiot!”

“I don’t appreciate you coming to my class unprepared,” he shot back.

She ground out a hiss before stomping her way to the whiteboard to erase the notes he’d posted up earlier. He was so infuriating! With all that arrogance and hot air in his head she wondered how there was even room for a brain!

On days like this she would start to wonder what exactly she saw in a man like him anyway, but then he’d do something to change her mind. Like creep up behind her while she was preoccupied with erasing the whiteboard and nuzzle her neck, for instance.

“You smell good. New perfume?”

Unable to control the knowing smile the crept across her lips, she turned in his arms. “Body wash,” she corrected before snagging his tie between her hands. She pulled his head down and he rewarded her with a brief kiss.

“Mmmm, I like it. Use it more often,” he mumbled between kisses while her fingers worked at slowly loosening the knot of his tie.

“I’ll consider it,” she mused, playing coy while his hands possessively stroked her thighs. “As long as you promise not to pick on me in class anymore.”

He ‘Hn’ed as he was inclined to do when he wanted to appease her without actually promising anything. Without further comment he hoisted her up, wrapped her legs around his waist, and carried her over to his desk. The rush she felt at having such power over a man like him was intoxicating. She smiled devilishly while her hands went to work unbuttoning his blazer.

He shrugged the jacket off with a careless movement, sending it to the floor in a ‘whup’ of fine wool. His lips found hers easily and he’d begun to unbutton her blouse when the unmistakeable ‘shhhk’ of the classroom door sliding open made them both pause.

Their heads turned in unison toward the door to find one of her classmates standing in the hall. Shinji was his name - a small, scraggly waif of a boy with thick glasses and a naturally awkward disposition. He gaped at their compromising position, swallowed audibly, stuttered something about forgetting his textbook and then quickly snapped the door shut.

Uttering a sigh of resignation, Kagome released the buttons of Sesshomaru’s dress shirt and pushed herself off up the desk. Wearing a disappointed frown, she collected her bag from her chair and slung it over her shoulder. She waited beside her desk as he collected himself and his things together and periodically aimed a scathing glance at the door.

“Well I guess that’s the end of that,” she mused, fully expecting the entire ‘we can’t do this’ speech from him. Instead he encircled her waist with his free arm and backed her into the whiteboard. Their eyes met for an instant before he placed a smouldering kiss against her lips, the kind that could leave any woman feeling weak in the knees.

“We’ll just have to be more careful next time. The classroom was a poor choice. What are your thoughts on the history stacks at the library?”

Licking the taste of him from her lips, she caught the lusty gleam in his eyes and smirked.

“I think that history never had it so good.”

langus, #158 high school au

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