Title: Speechless
Chapter 1: Lack of Voice
Rating: T (coarse language, mild sexual content, adult concepts)
Genre: Romance/Fantasy
Characters: Yuyi, The Inventor
Preview: “I was drawn to magic, and he explained that science was something very magical to him. I fell in love with the idea of magic, the fantasy that I could be who I wanted to be.
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I am trying to bring in fantasy. I usually write fantasy/romance when I write short stories and novels so I was thinking of the best way to write a story about magic that's still a proper lady gaga fanfic. I think Yuyi is the solution ! We may get a little more of the story why she was kicked out and things as she writes in her journal more. The next chapter is going to be really different, so I hope you like it!
I was nervous to kind of "create" The Inventor as a character, since I had to go purely off of visual and no speaking parts. Same with Yuyi. And it was difficult, so I'm glad you found the characters to be good.
The names had to do with how I didn't want to make up names for them. It seemed too much like creating new characters. I thought, he looks like an inventor, and she's called Yuyi, so why not go with what I already have to work with? and I think it's funny, too, them not knowing each others' names. adds a bit of mystery :)
I love Taylor's tattoo as well. It's very artistic. I thought it would appeal to Yuyi since I think of her as being a former artist.
Thank you! It was difficult writing a true sex scene. Usually I just write love scenes. This was the furthest I've delved into that sort of writing. Glad you liked it :)
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