No, she has not disappeared!
Allie was just doing schoolwork, honest!
That's why she hasn't been posting. That's why she hasn't been posting chapters on FF.Net. That's why she's just been boring!
That's why she's been watching/reading Let The Right One In non-stop.
...BUT SHE'S BACK NOW. She has over 700 LJ messages, but she's back.
Whether you like it or not!
To prove she's been writing, Allie brings you a chapter snippet from Friend At Night! Aren't you excited? Me neither.
Rosalie's Point of View
I smiled at the thought of a predator who would soon become prey. As the wind rippled through leaves on the trees, I amused myself by thinking of an animal’s jaw widening, a harsh roar escaping its throat. I would roar back, of course, and it would cower. That was the way things worked when you were immortal-nothing could simply throw you on the ground. There were no easy deaths of our kind, just of the animals we targeted.
A large bear was on its haunches, bent over at a strange angle as if struggling with a weight. But what weight could a bear that size struggle with? It was pushing an overgrown man -coated with blood- to the ground. I immediately held my breath out of habit, but it didn’t lessen the smell.
I was about to leap on the man, consume his blood, before I saw the matted dark curls adorning his head. My eyes widened, and I stared at the gruesome scene completely frozen. The sight brought me back to a distant time and place, one where my best friend was blessed with a beautiful baby. A dark haired angel of a baby.
The crucial importance blood had once held did not matter anymore.
I let out a feral roar at the bear, who snapped his teeth in a challenge. I snapped too, baring teeth now dripping with venom. The bear cowered a little, backing up onto four legs. The way it moved resembled tribal offerings to a god. Like the bear was giving me a sacrifice.
And I nearly accepted. The blood staining his skin was intoxicating, more so than I could imagine. Something unknown was telling me to spare him-no, to save him. In a sort-of-selfish manner, I wanted to keep him with me always as the one treasure that I could not be denied.
So still that a human might have thought him dead, the man’s mouth opened in one attempt at speech. His eyes were opened, too, but they seemed focused on the other time and place I was constantly forced to live in. It seemed that he, too, was alone here.
No. He wouldn’t be alone. He would be with me.
I lifted him into my arms as I completed a mental check-list.
Breath held? Check.
Undeniable urge to kill him? Also a check.
But I would try my best. Through the unbearable torture, I would try my best. I hadn’t killed anyone before, and I didn’t intend to start now. Especially not a helpless man who had been crying out for my help. One who was capable of making me do something good, for once.
As if saving one person could make me good.
I would have sworn that his lips twitched in a dimpled half-smile.
Yay! You read all the way to the bottom! And for that you get a prize! ...Not really. You get a link to Allie's new Tithe drawing. yes, I do know Allie. She is a spazz.