Frickin' Twilight Psychic

Aug 05, 2008 19:42

So yeah, breaking dawn spoilers and all that in this post....

I'm going to write out all my predictions and how they're right(some of them), proving what an Alice I am :D


1. Alice is going to go completely overboard planning the wedding. She did. Enough said. But really, I think we missed most of this because of the time skip. Anyway, she had her fun!

2. The wedding will go off as planned. If there are any unexpected wedding guests, it will be the Denali Coven. I was SO HAPPY being right about this one. Most people were like, "The Volturi are going to come!" and I was all, "we'll see..." :D   (I didn't actually remember making this prediction, because I knew it was going to be right, and then Emily says to me "oh my god.. your prediction's true!"

3. Bella won’t be changed...yet. On the honeymoon Edward finds Jacob, and tells him everything that happened. Jacob, furious, goes back to La Push to talk to the pack. He finds that Seth is caught between the Cullens and the pack, and warns him not to interfere with Bella and Edward’s relationship.   um, this was sort of right I guess. I was wrong about Jacob being at the honeymoon destination, but that was only because I figured he was going to come back later in the book. No one was more surprised than me that he came back so early. I was really mad, actually. I was close about the Seth thing, though. Jacob was mad at him for liking the Cullens and all that...

4. The fight will be between the werewolves and vampires, teamed against the Volturi. The Volturi found out about the momentary truce between the vampires and werewolves, and launched an attack against the werewolves.  OhMyJasper. I was almost dead-on with this one. If I had known about the baby, I would have guessed the entire thing! The Volturi were mad about the baby, not so much about the werewolves, but I was pretty close. And yes, I am being smug.

5. "Not because you’re scared". Poor Bella. Edward won’t change her because she’s scared. I was dead wrong here, but I was also grasping at straws. I thought that Bella was going to beg to be transformed. Actually, she pretty much holds off. but if she had been changed early, it would have ruined the plot.

6. The Casualties will be either Sam or Seth, both forcing Jacob to accept responsibility. Other casualties will be human deaths. There were no casualties, which is kind of stupid. There were casualties, but Bella doesn't know them, so apparently they don't count XD. I was pretty much adament about this one, and I'm really disappointed that Sam/Seth didn't die. I even had a dream with Sam in it last night! haha. I thought he was going to pass on to the next realm(why am I so strange..?)

7. Alice sees Maria in a vision, and confronts Jasper about it.  8. OR Alice sees Maria coming to Forks.  I was really wrong here, too. I was more being hopeful, since Maria is such a cool character. But I did think that Peter and Charlotte were coming back(though I didn't write it...and OH they DID!) Alice did have a vision that her and Jasper went all panicky over though. I panicked too XD.

9. Charlie begins to get suspicious when vampires start arriving in town. "Those big La Push boys" have him pretty on-edge, too. But Jacob’s back, which makes him so happy.  What I meant about this was that Charlie was going to get really suspicious, and then find out something about Jacob. I should have been specific, and I regret it. Man, I knew Charlie was going to find out about the wolves! Though, at the time, I figured he was going to confront Billy about it, not be told by Jake.

10. Honeymoon Take-Two! Bella and Edward will go on another honeymoon, since the last one was so rudely interrupted. I can hardly see them going to Florida or something.  The last line about Florida really cracks me up. And I feel like I'm such a loser because I actually considered them doing an island. but I was like, "Oh no, they won't go to an island" *snort* "too many people! And he sparkles!"  I actually considered private jets and yahts, too, but not an island. Though when i read the chapter title I immedietly knew....

11. The change will happen slightly before the end of the book. This way, we’ll get to see exactly what happens to Bella before and after the change. It would be super cool if Bella forgot most of her human life, the same way that the other vampires did. She might experience a little memory loss, which would be sad. At least there’d be no Jacob!    And I thought I'd get rid of Jake that easily... It was cool how she forgot a lot of human things though. I wonder if she remembers Angela......Anyway! I didn't think the change would happen HALFWAY!! That was totally unexpected.

12. Bella’s super power will be one I just made up! Edward calls her a ‘danger magnet’ right? Well maybe this could turn out to be true in the sense that she can sense danger coming, or be attracted to it....Actually, I think it’ll have something to do with her mental block. As a vampire she may be able to block all mental powers not just for herself, but for others around her. OhMyJasper(again). I do not even remember writing that last part...and I was pretty darn close. If you're thinking, "Well God, you were completely wrong with the first part" you don't realize that I was being creative/joking. Do you realize how many variations of my mental block theory I've heard? Forgive me for being creative! The last one makes me feel  smart for being halfway right, though!

13. Another death will definitely come at the end of the book. It wasn't a major death, but Irina died. So I guess that's a pretty big deal, right? I was thinking Rosalie/Carlisle, but Irina was cool! I miss her...

14. The ending will most likely be happy Edward and Bella will engage in some talk about ‘the future’ where the words ‘eternity’, ‘soul’, ‘forgiveness’, ‘love’, and ‘forever’ are frequently used. That’s being realistic. She will want to connect all the books by using those words. She might even throw in ‘kismet’ for Jacob. XD   HAHAHAA. She did use those words....XD. That made me laugh. "Forever and forever and forever.."

*I never ever said this one, but Stephenie Meyer said there was going to be a different PoV, so i was all, 'JACOB". Then she said that she couldn't picture any Breaking Dawn movie being only one part. It was then that I pretty much knew that Jacob was going to be in this book a LOT.  (Not that I didn't whine any less when he was, however.)

A couple more predictions about the ending which didnt happen....

I also made some predictions while reading. These ones were spot on. hehe.

1. I thought that sue and charlie were going to end up together! randomly came to my head somewhere halfway through...

2. I thought Jacob was going to imprint on the baby! This came to me right after I thought about when Jacob saw Bella pregnant, but I was honestly just being horrible. The thought was Wouldn't it be funny if Jake imprinted on bella's kid? He'd have to wait a LONG time for it to grow up! hahahaa. And then I was just blinking when he imprinted, and sending a few "I told you so"s my friend's way!

3. I thought Rosalie was going to do something nice for Bella, and she did. She saved her frickin' kid for God's sake. If Rosalie hadn't been like that, Edward would have probably cut the thing out. (jk, don't kill me)

4. I thought Emmett was going to ask for his arm wrestle! (ever since I put it in a fanfic, lol)

5. I ALWAYS thought Tanya had curly hair...

6. Ever since reading a quote from Eclipse about Midsummer Night's Dream, I thought that Stephenie Meyer was talking about imprinting in this book.  Remember how she said BD was based on Midsummer Night's Dream, anyone? Well, I was right about that, at least....

7. I was right about a fair few of the quotes, too, not that i think it's a huge feat to guess those correctly...

Why I was EXTREMELY angry/upset for the first seven chapters.....


um wow. I still stick by the fact that I think it's really weird that they could have a kid. And i figured Rosalie would have done a god-awful amount of research on that fact. If Alice could just find a half-vamp, why didn't Rosalie start looking for one earlier? It's a little weird to me.. At least Rosalie is basically the guardian of the kid, because she deserves it.

(Does Renesmee not remind anyone of Claudia (interview with the vampire)? that was the first thought that came to my head when it said she had curly hair and was an advanced child. Though someone *coughEmilycough* looked at me like I had ten heads when i said that. She doesn't know who Claudia is...)

Why I was extremely annoyed for the last little bit...

*Bella being no. graceful for a vampire? Edward must have been lying. I can see him saying that.

*ALICE AND JASPER LEAVING! (I cried. a lot. And then I was all, "Oh yeah, they're just coming to find me! *smile*)

*Alice's font being messy. It was pretty, though :)

*Renesmee, a name that's growing on me. Nessie? Albus-Dumbledore is doing an air-punch. No wonder Bella was mad about that...

*No Maria? Seriously?? Peter and Charlotte, but no Maria. That leaves me a little bit...peeved.

STUFF I ABSOLUTELY LOVED(despite everything)

*Rosalie's attitude! man! She was awesome! (third fav character now!)

*That description of Jasper. I hit my head off the floor when I read it. No joke.  (and that description of him being dangerous...)

*Bella getting more mature. Thank Jasper for that. She was less whiney!

*Edward was so frickin' cute! I fell in love with him...but not to trump Jasper.

*That quote where Charlie and Emmett are watching football and Emmett says, "At least someone scored around here."

*Um....Jacob. he was adorable. And I loved when he found the perfect girl in the park, but turned her down. I felt so bad for her D:

*QUIL AND CLAIRE. omigosh, they were so cute. Especially how he's like a slave, and he'd do anything for her. Best babysitter a mother could hope for.

*Jacob saying dumb blonde jokes. Okay, I get really mad too. This is where me acting like Rosalie comes in.

*LAST BUT NOT LEAST...Rosalie making a dog-dish for Jake! I literally have been telling everyone about that. Even my father. laugh all you want.

*The fact that there are real werewolves.

*That Tanya and the Denali coven are so sickly cool.


*Where are all the Cullen's bite marks? I would like to know all of them. Please?? heheee

*Why do certain vampires have chalky skin instead of the normal pallor? confusing, much.

*WHAT happened to Maria?

*What exactly were Alice and Jasper doing for all that time? (I don't mean that way! GOD)

THERE IS SO MUCH MORE I AM FORGETTING. Enough that I spent two days writing this post.

predictions, spoilers(not really), breaking dawn, twilight psychic

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