Can the PM do no wrong?

Aug 15, 2014 16:49

Indians, all around the world, celebrate 68 years of Indian Independence. I am one of them and I feel very proud to be an Indian. One of my very close friends says - "You can take an Indian out of India, but you can never take India out of the Indian". And I am going through a similar emotion at the moment. To a great extent - this emotion is being driven by listening to the Independence day speech by the Prime Minister of India - Narendra Modi.

Modi - If you recall won the general elections in a landslide a couple of months ago. And that was in no little way - due to the charisma of Modi and the deep feeling of wanting change by the populace of India. Something needs to be said about the charisma of Modi. His speeches on the election trail evoked so much hope that election victory beat even the most of conservative of estimates. Social media also played a huge role in ensuring victory for Modi. It is established that Modi is an excellent orator and can evoke a range of emotions in the crowd - from inspiration to hope to euphoria.

It does seem that the PM can do no wrong - there are stories abuzz on social media, about how Modi has brought about change in the way the Government works, in the way programs are implemented and in the way the outlook of Indians in India and abroad has changed because of him. I hope this era of hope and confidence brings about the positive change that we as "Indians" - so far have only dreamed about. And for this sake - I hope the PM really does no wrong!
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