Mumbai 26/11, 27/11, 28/11 and continued to 29/11

Nov 30, 2008 22:57

Is this the beginning of the end of the great Indian "sleep"? The Indian establishment sleeps through most events till a jolt like that of the terror attacks wakes it up. But does it really wake up? 1993, 2001 and now again 2008 and we allowed it to happen again. We were in no ambiguous terms caught sleeping.

Vir Sanghvi writes in the longest day that this will prove to be the day that changed all the rules. An excerpt below:

"Guesswork in the aftermath of a tragedy is always a risky business. But I wager that when the time comes to write the history of modern India, 26/11 will be remembered as the turning point in our attitude to terror. It will be remembered as the day when we Indians came to terms with vulnerability.
And, with a bit of luck, as the day when we demanded that those in charge of protecting us either did the job they were supposed to or left it to somebody more capable.
The government must realise that this is not just another terrorist strike. This one has changed all the rules, both in terms of the impact it has had on the Indian psyche and in the anger and fear that now course through our veins.
No more promises. No more speeches. It’s time to act."

But did it really change the rules? Will the sleeping giant that is India wake up and keep its eyes open? Will we as one voice let this continue?

More questions at this time than answers...


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