(no subject)

Jan 10, 2010 04:50

Sometimes it's easy to take things in life for granted. But sometimes you are able to step back and look at your environment and the people you interact with and actually see it all.

I'm not sure how it happened, but somehow, and for unknown reasons, I have the privilege of being friends with some of the greatest people on the planet Earth.
It's hard to tell how it started and sometimes even harder to understand how it has lasted. But magically, luckily, fortunately these truly amazing individuals have put up with me and all my annoying ridiculousness.

It's not often enough that I think about this and really appreciate how lucky I am that they allow me to be a part of their lives. If I was religious I'd say i was truly blessed.

I know I don't always offer enough in return, and some of you have long-since stopped reading this tired, stretched-out whore of a website, but I just want to say (with my entire being) thank you profoundly and completely for being there and being you. You are amazing, spectacular, stellar, beautiful, intelligent, compassionate, radiant, witty beings and it is an honor to know each and every one of you and to have shared so many bursts of laughter, tears (often caused by laughter), sobering discussions, intoxicated decisions, philosophical musings, creative spewings, silliness, randomacity, errand-running, and harsh truths over the years. There are no other people that I would rather spend time with, or watch a movie with, or get lost with.
You are the bees knees, the cat's pajamas, the penguin's necktie, the monkey's banana-hammock, tops, da bomb, and any other phrase that implies your completely undisputed supremeness.

Thank you, again. And thank you a thousand, million, trillion more times for every smile, conversation, dumb comment, hug, and confidence. I will treasure you always and try my best to be as good of a friend to you as you have always been to me.

Love you guys.

Goodnight :)
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