(no subject)

Dec 27, 2008 18:55

Slightly intensive canon review yields many notes! There are massive spoilers in this, and I will shoot you through the internet if you haven't or are not immediately planning on reading Chrno Crusade.

On Apostles:
- Azmaria uses song to concentrate her power to heal people. (Some people state that they've come back to life, but considering the debacle of near-death/soul-searching that may not have been accurate.) Joshua uses an organ to concentrate his own.

- While apostles can heal others, they can not bring back the dead, easily, as much as this is touted by others. It goes against the nature, and will, of the Astral Line to restore life where it has already been extinguished.

- Azmaria became an apostle in 1917. Joshua was healthy in 1914, but was sick from his powers by 1920. It's possible they were all chosen at the same time, but most likely not.

- Azmaria was sick as a child then saw a light and an angel when she became an apostle. Joshua never spoke of such an incident, and likely never witnessed the same as she did.

- The concept of the apostles being cursed from the anime is possible though unlikely considering what higher power they're answering to. There is no reason in making the instruments of your will suffer.

On the Astral Line:
- "Huge astral convections that gather high in the atomsphere. It's a part of the astral cycle, which shapes the spirit of all living things. When something is born, it draws its life energy from this. And when it dies, the soul leaves the body and again becomes part of the great stream." (Father Remington, Volume 1.)

- Chrno: How about this? I'll tell you about the streams that flow through the sky.
Rosette: You mean like the Milky Way?
Chrno: No. The Astral Lines. You can't see them with your eyes. They run up high in the sky, and they're the origin of all life. I guess you could say they're fragments of life itself. Those fragments fall down to the Earth and dwell in living things. Together, they give rise to a soul. Then, when that soul's life has ended, it rises back up to the sky, becomes a fragment again, and returns to being a part of the astral lines. This great cycle has continued on this planet for billions of years.
Rosette: Then... If I go up there, can I see people who have already died?
Chrno: I'm not sure. I've only heard this story from humans. (Volume 2.)

- "No. No. It's no good. One day, all living things must welcome death. Even we can't change that rule. For we are the emissaries of the dead. Anyway... Anyway... You should be facing this planet's natural enemy. That which devours astral, the souls of the living: Pandaemonium! It's death means the corruption of the world... It's life means the depletion of souls... The death of the generation to come." (Apostles, Volume 8.)

- "You and the others. Those chosen by the Astral Line are able to control its power. And those people are called... The Seven Apostles!" (Aion, Volume 5. --Aion does not believe in God, as a note.)

On the conflict:
- Demons are an alien race that survive by consuming the astral line through their horns which becomes a threat to all life on Earth. Demons, individually and as a group, are parasites that feed on Earth, while the astral line is, essentially, the white blood cells of Earth that rejects anything that would harm it.

- How the Apostles came to be or for what purpose they were chosen is not known as destroying or allowing Pandemonium to continue spells the end of life as its known either way. However, they do serve as the trigger for the conflict. Without the Apostles, there would be no means to strike against Pandaemonium as the Astral Line can not act of its own accord.

- However, the Astral Line can assert control over the Apostles. They are the medium through which it can act. Apostles serve less as a messenger, considering the cap on their powers, and more as a tool.

- The likelihood that the Apostles were chosen by God is high considering this. Essentially, the Astral Line would/could not act on its own, so God selected the Apostles to prompt the destruction of Pandaemonium and/or give the Astral Line something to use.

- On a personal note: Aion realized how the demons were keeping themselves alive by having a human serve as the core to keep their home alive, and the truth of his birth. He tried to put an end to that system by destroying Pandaemonium, one of the paths the Astral Line had thought of, by gathering the Apostles.

1870 - Mary Magdalene travels with the Sinners.
1914 - World War 1 (Great War) begins in Europe.
1914 - A ship sinks into the Atlantic Ocean; Rosette and Joshua are orphaned.
1914 - The Hendric estate is attacked by the Sinners with Satella surviving and Florette being abducted.
1917 - Azmaria witnesses an angel and gains her powers.
1918 - World War 1 ends.
1920 - Prohibition begins.
1920 - Chrno is awakened, and Rosette makes a pact with him when Joshua is abducted.
1924 - Beginning of Chrno Crusade.
November 27, 1924 - Rosette and company arrive at San Francisco, and meet with the Sinners.
December 24, 1924 - New York is flooded.
March 1932 - Rosette dies.
1933 - Prohibition ends.
1994 - Satella and Fiore are found off the West Coast.
1998 - Azmaria dies.
February 1999 - Satella is reawakened as Fiore disappears.

Selected quotes with notes:
- "We've been looking for someone with his power for a long time. When we heard rumors about him, we decided to try and meet him in person." (Remington, Volume 2.) The Order was searching for the Apostles, most likely via Mary's prophecy.

- "Can't you hear the flutter of wings? I think you already know who I am." (Joshua, Volume 2.)

- "Another world I can't see yet. A house that used to be. They're both so far that I can't reach them." (Joshua, Volume 2.) He's talking about the future and the past, and how he can't reach them. Way to be, Josh. Yes, I just figured this out.

- Joshua mentions wanting to meet the Apostles, but it seems like Azmaria is the last one later on. Perhaps, they found all of the others fairly quickly, and Joshua was the first to become known? Azmaria wasn't in the country until recently, after all.

- Demons can take different forms with different powers. Most seem to be based on animals, like cats, pigs, and spiders. Powers vary from impenetrability to bullets, shadow crawling, and much more.

- Why is Satella a pedo? Is it something with not getting involved with men her age? Seriously, what.

- Joshua and Rosette were on a ship that was sailing on the Atlantic at the beginning of the war, so the possiblity of them being European immigrants is high. However, Christopher is. . . Well, it's very American. (Their father's name was Vincent.)

- "He's doing very well. After all, Master Aion (Aion-sama) has taken a liking to him." "What was that? For just a moment, she lost her calm. Does she love Joshua?" S-Sister. (Rizelle and Rosette, Volume 3.)

- "Joshua is an Apostle, but he has horns... He's very easily sucked in by it. He's become a double-edged sword for us." "It? What's it? What are you talking about?" "Pandaemonium - The demon world." (Rizelle and Rosette, Volume 3.)

- "Joshua: 15 (Looks too old)" (Omake, Volume 3.)

- "Once the king's put in checkmate, the game is over. I want to see how strong they are... with my own two eyes!" (Joshua, Volume 5.)

- Aion can't transform without his sword since it's the source of his contract.

- "We never expected this. It wasn't in the prophecy." "It looks like history isn't going exactly as Mary foresaw." (Magdalen Council, Volume 5.) How far did Mary's prophecy extend? --She couldn't predict the final battle and thus left it blank.

- Joshua is quiet and unassuming around the other Sinners, but is warm and affectionate to Shader. He's also mildly comforting to Azmaria.

- Mary had six wings. The same as a seraph, the highest ranking angel.

- "It's been awhile since I've had a dream." (Joshua, Volume 7.)

- "I've lost all the memories that were important to me. Come tomorrow, I'll have forgotten even more." (Joshua, Volume 7.)

- "What the heck? Are you saying you can read people's minds?! You never tell me anything, do you?" "B-But you never asked." (Rosette and Chrno, Volume 7.) So, demons are psychic.

- "Fiore. Don't you have to keep an eye on me? That was Aion's order, right? Because of my horns, I'll probably get corrupted by Pandaemonium. Not my body, but my mind. And when that happens... You're to kill me, right? It's written all over your face." "You jest. My heart is made of stone. I do not cry or smile." "Yeah, I know. But it's written on your face." (Joshua and Fiore, Volume 7.)

- "You've been asleep and dreaming this whole time. You still are. At some point, that dream changed you." (Rosette, Volume 8.)


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