(no subject)

Aug 13, 2008 00:28


A-Anyway, this is my general thoughts on Joshua's previous/soon-to-be-status in camp. This is mostly my hoping/thinking how things will pan out, but his mileage always changes in play. It references this a lot.

. . . \o/?

For those playing at home, Joshua was pretty certain that Rosette was his sister before she left. He believed that Chrno had warped her or spread evil thoughts in her head which would make her not want to come with him. Since then, Joshua has wanted to kill Chrno even more. . . Even more, because Joshua was nervous and panicked that Chrno would eventually take his horns back which Joshua would have none of so he was trying to kill him before he could. For a good example of how bad he wants to kill Chrno: Joshua's desire to kill Chrno is like an atomic bomb while his desire to kill, say, Gokudera is like a cherry bomb. Rabi is akin to C-4, for the curious.

Without a doubt, Joshua is sure that Chrno is going to tattle on him and hide Rosette away somewhere. Joshua is sure that Aion will find and bring her to him, because Aion spoils the hell out of him. (And Aion'd do it to bust Chrno's chops anyway.) As long as it's been and as much as Joshua believes that Aion can't come to pick him up from camp, Aion will want him back. Aion needs Joshua, so Joshua will never lose a place or purpose in his world. It just will take awhile for him to get back which is what causes an unusual problem to be tackled later on. Anyway, everything works out in the end, but that doesn't mean Joshua will be sane or rational about this whole affair. He's going to be pissed and inconsolable for awhile. It's just how he is. He will endure though. As long as he has Fiore, Joshua can make a very good show of having control.

What makes this situation difficult is that Joshua has no purpose in camp. Joshua does well with single-mindedly focusing on one thing or the other. He always has a fixation on his sister, rather the image he's created of his sister. Joshua will always long for her in incredibly unhealthy ways, but he's reduced to pining for her like he used to with some bitterness. Then, Joshua had the focus of trying to kill Chrno dead so he couldn't go back home. Sadly, this is most definitely gone. Joshua also had the focus of just helping Aion with his plans. Joshua is always eager to be involved with whatever the Sinners are doing. This is one of the things Joshua misses most, because it's something to do that's productive.

Of course, Joshua is a slacker and lazy to the umpteenth degree. Why would he be so focused on being productive? Because Joshua is still in the mindset where he has to make the most of his time as he doesn't have a lot of it. Camp does give him an indefinite amount of time to be as sane as he can be, but there is no point to it. Camp does not effect what happens at home, so Joshua has never been able to wrap his mind around something to do that isn't borderline incest, killing, or genocide. It's pointless, and he's lazy, so he's not going to waste his energy. He doesn't get that excited about all of the awesome things in camp nowadays either, because he's become so accustomed to them. And his attention span has grown a lot in camp and that's saying something.

So, to sum this up, Joshua can live without his sister and the evil shouta demon in camp. He can not sit around being bored forever though and needs to be kicked into doing something-- anything that he can focus on to bide his time. It helps him not to think, and Joshua loves not thinking.

I'd like to throw this out: There is a lot that happens off-screen with Joshua. I simply can not (or have not thought of how to) play a lot of his characterization out in camp. Yes, he does spend hours chanting, "Sister. . . Sister. . . ". He won't get out of bed some days. The level of noise in camp gives him random attacks sometimes. What I play is maybe fifty percent, if not less, of what he does in camp, so there's a lot of factors with Joshua that aren't easily understood. I have become and am zen with this. Like I urged long ago, if you want to play any of these off-screen aspects on-screen then just poke me.

And a counter-urge outside the cut, if anyone is uncomfortable playing with Joshua for any reason then just poke me on gchat or over here, so I know to steer clear of certain characters. I am always good for interventions to difuse situations too. Communication is awesome.


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