Slate Grey

Jul 01, 2011 00:14

When you're stuck on what to write and rain is pouring outside, a meme is always a good place to start:

If you were to leave the house right now, would you change your outfit all?
Yes! I'm only in an old Ateneo 'The Heart of a Champion Bleeds Blue' shirt and Zobel shorts.

Has anything happened to you within the past month that’s made you really happy?
The happiest I was in June was when I came home and when I met up with Stef, Aniela, Hannah and J for lunch. :)

Do you want to see someone right now?
Yes.  I miss most of my college friends.

When was the last time you changed clothes in front of someone?
Saturday night.

Are you the youngest person living in your home?
No. Wish I was though.

What was the last thing you looked up on Youtube?
Fainting goats. Haha!

Did the last guy/girl you kissed have any piercings?
Err...he had one, but it's gone now. As in absolutely gone.

Have you ever had a school picture turn out absolutely dreadful?
Oh please. Who hasn't? I have one that screams "awkward teenage years!".

What is the name of the last band you discovered?
I don't remember. Truth be told, I'm not a band-type person.

Have you ever lost any friends over something small and stupid?
I don't remember.

Would you rather go to a Katy Perry or Taylor Swift concert?
Katy Perry. If Taylor Swift could get me a backstage pass then I'd see hers.

Have you ever thrown up from working out?
Funny question. I've nearly passed out from working out. Gold's Alabang remembers me for it!

What pattern do the sheets on your bed have?
English roses on white. Quite ladylike.

What languages can you count to ten or higher in?
English, Chinese, Ilocano, French, Tagalog,  Spanish.

Are you good with painting nails with your left hand?

Do you feel uncomfortable sharing drinks with other people?
Yes, actually.

Do you call any of your friends by their last names.
That's such a high school thing.

How long does it take you to get out of bed in the morning?
Much too long.

Have either of your grandparents ever told you a sexual joke?
Thankfully no.

Do you spend more time outside or inside?
Inside. I am definitely a homebody.

Do you get jealous if your boyfriend/crush hugs another girl?
No. He does it to everyone.

Could you go the rest of your life without doing any drugs?
Unless they're medicines.

What are you wearing on your feet?

Do you think a lot of people think bad things about you?
I wouldn't know, but I don't really care if they do. Waste of time.

Was last night enjoyable for you?
It was until my Sim died. :( (I was playing Sims3 haha)

Do you change your phone background a lot?

If you were being chased by an alligator, what would you do?
Climb a tree!

What have you done all day?
Woke up, called the printer's, took a shower, had lunch, went online, now on the way to ADMU.

Do you want to tell someone how you feel?
Normally I don't.

Ever gave a really long apology?

Where do you think your best friend is right now?
One would be in school, some at work.

Has anyone told you they don’t ever wanna lose you?
In so many words, yes.

Would you rather take a relationship really slow or really fast?
It depends. Some people you don't even notice that it's going really fast.

Who did you last yell at and why?
My brother. Rather not say why.

Is your best friend pissing you off at this exact moment?
One of them is. But maybe it's just hormones.

Where was the last place you fell asleep other than your bed?

What was the last thing you ate?
Arroz a la Cubana.

How many people have you kissed who’s name began with the letter ‘J’?
The one and only Jerome.

Do you regret kissing anyone you have kissed?
No. I don't give away kisses that easily.

Would you date someone who smokes?
No. I don't like the smell.

What do you hate about your school?
Which one? ADMU has too few covered walkways. Zobel keeps spending on unnecessary stuff. SNU is too far away to visit regularly.

Do you think hate is a strong word?
Yes, but it captures emotion quite well, doesn't it?

Have you ever made a girl cry?
I honestly don't know.

Are you a good singer?
Ha! I wish.

Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
Yes. In the backseat of a Fortuner while Rizzasy was driving and we were late for OPMAN.

Has the last person you kissed ever been mad at you?
Yes, even though he doesn't say it straight.

Who will you be sleeping with tonight?
My sister and her farm of stuffed animals.

Did you sleep alone last night?

Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
No. Humor is essential.

How would you react if you walked in on your best friend having sex?
Scream then run out.

Have you ever dyed your hair?

Do you ever think about the past?
Not unless I'm in a mood.

Was last night terrible?
It was smooth sailing.

Do you wash your hair in the shower?
I hate to break it to you but that's what a shower is for.

How often do you hold back what you want to say?
Too often.

Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
I dunno. Maybe?

Are you going to get smashed tonight?
It's my lolo's 79th birthday but I hardly think there'll be any alcohol involved.

The last person you kissed screams they love you, your reply?
Laugh then say, "Not so loud!"

Have you ever kissed someone who was high?
Heh. No.

Do you think that in the end, everything will fall into place?
Everything does.

Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you?

Are you listening to music right now?
No. I prefer silence.

Honestly, who was the last person to tell you that they love you?
J, over the phone.

Would you prefer a kiss on the cheek or neck?

Where was your last hug?

If you had to kiss the last person you texted, would you?

Has a rumor been spread about you?
Grade school. Lame.

Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?

What are you looking forward to?
Honestly? Working.

What time did you go to sleep last night?
1 AM.

Are you a forgiving person?
Yes. But I don't forget.

Do you have a hard time letting things go?

Do you want kids?
Of course! But only one or two.

Do you like to cuddle?
Better than some things.

If the person you liked shows up to your door right now, how would you react?

Where was the last place you went besides your house & why?
Kopi Roti for an afternoon snack.

How many text messages are currently in your inbox?

What’s your favourite Christmas movie?
Home Alone.

Who was the last girl you had a conversation with?
Stick and Karyl. :)

Have you ever kissed anyone named Matthew?
My cousin, on the cheek.

Where was your default picture taken?

Have you ever kissed a hockey player?
Not technically.

This is seriously going to get personal. You ready?


As of this minute, what is going through your mind?
Jack, my Playmobil boy.

Do you ever think about the past?
When hormones kick in.

One thing you cannot wait for?

Next time you will kiss someone?
When I see him again.

Do you sleep on your stomach?

Do you hate the last person you kissed?
Why should I?

Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?
I believe I have.

Are you talking to anyone right now?
My younger brother.

Do you have an older sister?
No, unfortunately. I've always wanted one though.

What is the relationship between you and the last person you texted?

Who was the last person you talked to last night before bed?
My brothers.

What time did you go to sleep last night?
Wasn't this asked already? 1 AM.

Ever get hurt by someone who promised they wouldn’t?
At this age, it would be weird if I haven't.

Who do you feel the most comfortable around?
My friends, family, and boy.

Is there anything in your room that reminds you of the past memories?
What is with all this "past" shizz? Yes, of course.

Do you have plans for tomorrow?
Orientation for work.

Have you ever had a panic attack?
The type that you have to use a brown paper bag for? No.

Can you sleep without blankets covering you?

Do you hate being alone?
Not really. I'm an introvert.

Do you miss the way things used to be?
Depends on how you mean. I miss being a kid and having to just go to school.

Are there any saved birthday cards in you bedroom?
Yes, quite a few. I only save those that were given by special people.

Do you regret kissing anyone you have kissed?
No. I told you already.

What’s your relationship status? Tell the truth..
In a relationship.

Are you scared of ending up alone?
Sometimes. Being in a relationship doesn't really guarantee anything.

Do you feel like you have life figured out?
At 23?  No. Unless I was a psychic.

What mood are you in right now?
Stressed. Worried.

Who was the last person to call you?

What do you hear right now?
My brother building a house on Sims3.

When was the last time you cried?
I don't remember.

Is it possible to be single and happy?

Middle name?
Pacquing. Like "packing", only cooler.

Who has made you cry the most is:
I've shed the most probably because of the bf. It's normal.

Has anyone ever said something that brought tears to your eyes?
Yes. Have you ever been to a retreat? Yeah.

Is there somebody you wish you could be spending time with right now
J, because he hasn't been well. My CVG friends. My  Ateneo friends. My Zobel friends. I miss them ALL.

Would you date the last boy you texted if he asked you to?
I already am.

When was the last time you were told you were cute?


In other news, I want a Pantone swatch book. :D
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