#003 Flute

Mar 27, 2016 12:45

Title The Magic Flute

Author landofthekwt

Rating PG-13

Word Count 580

POV SessMom

Warning Character death

Summary SessMom disposes of Sara's flute

The Lady stared at the flute standing upright in the remains of Sara. Sara was gone. In a minute nothing would remain of her but the flute. In the end the problem which never should have been a problem It was his fault that she began like this.

Therefore it was his duty to human and youkai were nothing but dust in the wind. Swept away to the netherworld awaiting rebirth

She had come fearing for the Little One. because of the misguided love for her son that turned Sara into a revenant. In the end Sesshoumaru took care of take care of her. And she thought Sesshoumaru had not been listening.

When the dust finally disappeared, the flute fell to the ground. The Lady approached it cautiously. There were too many instances where an object became possessed and took on a life of its. If it did then she would have to deal with Sara in flute form.

Picking it up ,she examined it. Although the flute was not "alive" it did retain the memory of its owner. The Lady was amused. The flute might actually be entertaining at dinner parties. Raising the flute to her mouth she began to play .

The mournful sounds filled her heart with grief. A grief that she had not felt since her mate died. The grief that nearly led to her demise. She had been lucky to break out of it. Now she understood why Sara had been so desperate for Sesshoumaro to notice her even if it meant selling her soul to the youkai

Sesshoumaru saved her from that fate He gave her back her soul and responded to her love No wonder she died happy and left this flute behind. Sesshoumaru was wrong. Sare did not need to play this flute in the underworld.

The flute represented her unrequited love for Sesshoumaru. Sara was now free of her longing The flute would only bring back those awful memories No she was better off never playing that flute again. That is why it had been left behind when Sara went to the netherworld.

What to do? She could not give the flute to Sara. It was too dangerous iin its present form to anyone else but her. She could not bring herself to destroy this object of unrequited love knowing how painful such feelings were. Here only choice was to retain the flute in her possession.

On days when she wanted to remember her lost mate, the flute could play for her. She was now in control of those feelings, they could not longer harm her. Raising the flute to her lips, she began to play. The music filled the woods with sadness.

It was too much. Too much even for her. No wonder Sara went mad with her unrequited love. The only safe route was to destroy the flute before it drove her mad. Her acid dissolved the flute instantly. Nothing remained but the last notes which hung the air.

When the echoes ceased, the Lady breathed easier. Men really had easy. They did not understand the hurt that love caused to women. Unrequited it drove them to madness because their hearts could not stand the emptienss and loneliness

No she ,Sara and the world were better off without that flute. Such feelings were better off being unexpressed. Once voiced they became a cancer on the heart Eating away at the very being of that person until nothing remained but sorrow

pov sessmom, #003, !landofthekwt

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