Title A Tapestry of Rin
Author landofthekwt
Rating K
POV SessMom
Word Count 617
Prompt Weaving
Warning Character death
Summary SessMom finishes her tapestry of Rin
from Ten Years After
The tapestry was complete A liTfe had ended, There would be no more scenes to add to Rin's life. She sighed. Growing too fond of mortals was a foolish habit that she thought only her mate and her son indulged in Surely not her.
But the time she devoted to the tapestry made it clear that she was obsessed with her daughter in law. Taking one last look at Rin's soul she released it on it journey to the afterlife.
There would be no hell for Rin. That had been her and Sesshoumaru's fault. This time Rin would ascend and move on to her next life leaving the immortals behind to wallow in their grief and rememberances.
She remembered when the tapestry began to take shape. Rin wanted to make a quilt for her unborn son. She consulted her mother-in-law because she was told that many of the tapestries in the palace were her doing.
Rin had been an apt student. Her quits were works of art that her son would cherish for many years to come. It was working with Rin that revived her interest in tapestries that she abandoned when hermate died.
Her tapestries were drawn from the soul itself. When her mate died she captured it in Mediou Seki and examined it. Her tapestries appeared so live like because they were drawn from the memories that the soul held.
The tapestries helped her remember and treasure the person her mate had been once he moved on. To many they showed the Inu no Taisho in his grlory. To her they were all that remained of the man she loved.
She would do the same for Sesshoumaru. He must be grieving for Rin right now just as she had for her mate. It was these memories that Rin's soul contained that would be precious to him in the future.
Or would they mock him as the tapestries of her mate did her. Seeing the man that he had been without being able to reach out and touch him. She brushed aside these concerns Rin had to be preserved even if in tapestry form.
They would not be on public display as her tapestries of her mate were. Only Sesshoumaru and her son would see them. The people who held her most dear. Remembering would help them treasure her when grief passed.
Sesshoumaru knew what she was doing He had already seen the tapestries the his mother made based on her soul's state at the time she died in hell and was revived by his mother;s meidou seki
His approval gave her the impetus to finish her tapestry of Rin. Now that she had finished it, they would all be able to see the person who had been Rin. Share their memories of her and remember the woman that had been a good mother, mate and daughter to them.
She gazed at the finished tapestry. Satisfied that she had captured Rin in her work. When she first met Rin she could not understand why Sesshoumaru felt the way he did toward Rin. It was only now that Rin's life was done and the tapestry was complete she could truly appreciate Rin. Lives were fleeting by the time an immortal truly appreciated how wonderful they were they were gone.
She had made the same mistake Not truly appreciating her mate till he was gone. Now not seeing the beaut that was Rin until she died. The tapestry mocked her. For the first time since her mates death she cried. She felt arms encircle her Looking up she saw her son perusing the tapestry.
"Thank you , Mother " said everything.