Drabble 108

Feb 14, 2015 00:00

Title  Nowhere to Run To

Author landofthekwt

Rating K

Prompt Run

POV Shiori

Word Count 300

Warning none

Summary  Musushito obtains a trainer

Shiori was appalled. How could this happen to the son of the headman of the taijiya village? It reminded her so much of her own childhood Coming home bruised and battered every night

While she pondered these questions, Inuyasha walked into their house. He and Kagome were visiting the graves with Sango and Miroku. The shock in his eyes was evident She never asked Did he have the same memories of bullying that she had?

"Kid What happened to you?"

His directness shocked her. Even though it was clear that Musushito had been bullied, it hurt to say it aloud. She had never defended herself and Kohaku never offered to train Musushtio Musushito refused to take the bait. Instead he lowered his head in shame

"If you don't show them who is boss this will never stop. Only the strong survive"

Musushito stared at him " Are you saying that my mother and father are not strong?"

"Hell no. Your tather fought Naraku. Your mother fought her grandfather, a daiyoukai. They would never let anyone push them around. Don't you have any pride? Are you willing to be shoved into the dirt day after day?"

Musushito stood his ground. Finally Shiori said " Maybe you ought to go, Inuyasha" The hanyou stared at them and took his leave.

Later that night Shiori talked to her husband "Kohaku when did you learn to defend yourself.?"

Kohaku looked at her "What is this about?"

"Is Musushito old enough to start training?"

It suddenly dawned on Kohaku what Shiori was asking " I will arrange for An-ue to train him "

Shiori smiled Sango's girls were stronger than any of the men in the village other than Kohaku. With her strength Musushito would be trained right. Next time the bullies would think twice before tangling with her son.

#108, pov shiori, !landofthekwt

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