Drabble 104

Oct 22, 2014 16:42

Title Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire

Author landofthekwt

Rating PG13

Prompt Roasting

POV Kohaku

Word Count 260

Warning none

Summary Musushito is tired of wilderness trips

Musushito was pissed. He hated these wilderness trips with his father. They camped in the open with nothing but a night raid cloak to cover pace was grueling. Kohaku quizzed Musushito about everything. There was no time for breaks for the essentials of food water or even bathroom.

If you wanted to pee you simply stopped where you were and peed. If you wanted to eat you had to find edible grasses, nuts and berries, insects and even grubs. Water you had to find from the clues of the terrain.

His father was testing him. He just knew it. Trying to create the perfect boy. He was perfect. Far from it. Why couldn't his father ease up and treat him like just another taijiya.

Once he asked his father why they scavenged for such awful food on the road. Kohaku had just one word for him

When he asked his mother she just shook her head. She might know about his nightmares, but only Sango knew what Naraku meant to his father. Only much later would he find out the horrors Kohaku had endured at the hands of Naraku.

The tonight they actually had a fire. His father roasted some chestnuts to acknowledge Musushito's achievement in finishing their outing without complaint.

Musushito stared at the chestnuts. Somehow it seemed inadequate considering what he endured. Tomorrow he would sleep in his own bed and eat decent food. Today he would endure what his Father offered him believing that his Father wanted the best for him.

#104, !landofthekwt

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