Title: Treating with the Enemy
Author: britedark
Universe: pre-canon
Word Count: 300
Warnings: none
Summary: Young Izayoi discovers that she has inadvertently put her father into a dangerous position.
Author's Note: This is the second part of a short story about young Izayoi and the Inu no Taisho, tentatively titled "Second Meeting." The first part is
here. Izayoi is around ten at this time.
Treating with the Enemy
She was surprised and relieved to be summoned from the tedious task of mending clothes, which her mother had decided was punishment for sneaking outside (even with guards) and putting herself in danger. That relief was tempered with anxiety, as she assumed the summons meant that her father had decided on his punishment.
When she was brought to her father's workroom, her anxiety transformed to dismay and concern, as he turned around and looked at her, once the servant was gone. His face was pale and drawn: haggard. "Chichi-ue?"
He tossed her a scroll she hadn't noticed he was holding. "What have you trapped us into, daughter?"
Trapped? She stared at him, shocked and scared, as she watched him sink to a kneeling position behind his desk, and then lower his head. Biting her lip, Izayoi forced her attention to the scroll.
Honorable lord,
This leader of the Silver Moon dogs, known as the Inu no Taisho, hereby informs the lord of his intent to visit the stronghold at dusk. Harm is not intended. The visit is to provide recompense for the black bull unthoughtfully hunted and slain by the Inu no Taisho, as witnessed by the lady Izayoi. The Inu no Taisho will bring recompense for the loss, in gold.
The Inu no Taisho requests that the lady Izayoi be present, that she may witness that the taiyoukai keeps his word, and that he may acknowledge her courage.
Izayoi looked up from the scroll, eyes wide. "He's really coming?" she whispered to himself, with a rush of feelings she didn't at all understand. Then, she recollected herself, and her father's words.
He looked up. "Youkai and human are enemies, Izayoi. If word got out, that we treated with one…"
Her actions could effect the entire family?
Oh, no.