Title: Kirara's Dilemma
Author: britedark
Universe: canon
POV: Kirara
Word Count: 300
Summary: Enthusiastic dining may cause later problems...
Author's Note: This is the next chapter of
Destiny. (Last chapter is
Kirara’s Dilemma
The fishing expedition was so successful that Kirara happily devoured her share and more while still in her full-sized form.
Which posed a dilemma, when Ginta announced that he was ready to start the evening patrol.
She blinked, turning her attention to Kohaku. “I don’t think Kirara and I can do all night,” he said, nodding, “but we can keep going for a while.”
What? Ears swiveled back. She was tired!
“We agreed to patrol,” he told her, adding, “I’ll carry you, if you’re tired.”
Wolf stink! She couldn’t! She was full of fish! If she shrank with her currently-full belly, she would end up an engorged, helpless ball of fur!
She lay down, rolling flat on her side.
“Kirara? Are you okay?”
She yawned, licked a paw, scrubbed an ear, and curled, sweeping tails over belly. Nap time, kitten.
He sighed. “Okay, Kirara. I guess you can catch up when you’re rested.”
What! Kirara listened to him walk away. “Tell me what you want me to do, Ginta-san--just remember I’m human.”
Mangy wolf! Don’t you drag my kitten into a night hunt!
“Um, okay. On a night like this, we prowl dusk until moonset, den until just before dawn, and then prowl again until the sun’s close to high. Is that okay?”
“Let’s go.”
No! Opening her eyes, Kirara rolled onto her belly, watching the retreating pair. Silly kitten! It was too early to declare independence! And she wasn’t going to trust his safety to a wolf!
Hissing silently, she stood up and stalked after them. Kohaku yelped and grabbed fur as she roughly bumped him. Ginta looked back, flinched and promptly looked away. Kirara muttered, but allowed herself to be mollified with a scratch to her ear.
Such was the life of a cat.