Prompt 50: Suckle

Oct 04, 2011 21:27

Title: Roles
POV: Kirara
Universe: canon
Genre: introspection
Word Count: 299
Summary: Kirara enjoys her multiple roles.

Author's Note: This is chapter 18 in the series Destiny. Chapter 17 is here.


Very tired after a day of flying, the barely-healed Kirara shrank to her kitten size as soon as she landed. Curling up, she napped until the scent of fresh fish awoke her. She pounced, gobbled down supper, and then went back to sleep under his fingers' gentle stroking.

Much later, she woke, refreshed, to discover that Kohaku was nodding. Stretching, she assumed her large form. With little persuasion needed, he curled up against her side and fell asleep.

She set her chin on an outstretched paw, resting, but quite prepared to leap to full protective mode, should danger arise.

She rumbled a little in contentment. Kirara was not entirely certain if asking the two wolf youkai for training was a good idea: they were entirely, in her opinion, at once too flighty, and too devoted to their pack leader. But, it was Kohaku’s decision to make, not hers, and she had no intention of showing disagreement with any of his plans, unless he was clearly putting himself in danger for no good reason.

It was not her way, after all. She was nekomata, and concept of ‘leadership’ was not in their vocabulary. Like others of her kind, she had chosen to live in the human world, and why not? No kitten who had ever suckled at her belly could give her what her adoptive human ‘kitten’ could. To her own offspring, she would always be 'mama', even after she had chased them off for their own good. But, to Kohaku, she could play the role of kitten to his guardianship, evoking giggles and laughter as she frisked and gamboled, as if no serious thoughts ever resided in her tiny head. And, yet, when he needed, she was the fierce protector and guardian.

It was good, to be both.

pov kirara, #050, !britedark, drabble

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