Sesshoumaru/Kagome Romantic Set 1, Theme 55 "Smiling Face"

Nov 29, 2007 16:51

Title: Parlour Tricks
Genre: Romance, Introspection
Rating: G
Pairings Represented: Sesshoumaru/Kagome Romantic
Theme: Set #1, Theme #55, "Smiling Face"
Word Count: 549
Universe: Alternate Universe
Notes: This is part of a larger series titled Candidacy on A Single Spark and

For what seemed the hundredth time that day, he looked in her direction, and tried not to smile as he saw her chewing on the end of pen. She was hard at work, helping Miroku to plot out next week’s campaign plan. To him, they were all parlour tricks that were required of him to perform so he could get what they want, but he also knew, if properly executed, Kagome would feel a sense of accomplishment in knowing she had a hand in it. For that reason alone, he let her be.

The hotel room they had in the French Quarter was quiet for the most part of the evening, despite the hustle and bustle of local aides that came in and presented him with the issues pertinent to the area. Householders outlining his campaign priorities would be mailed, he issued statements to various questions by the press, and he conversed with Miroku occasionally on venues. His researchers were fast at work, presenting him with useful statistics for upcoming speeches. His own laptop sat open in front of him as he devised the campaign speech outlining his domestic economic policy, which was set for tomorrow following his arrival in New York City.

Today, though, had been interesting, and his spur of the moment parlour trick had paid off in not only drawing the media’s attention back to the area in question, but also drawing the attention of his aide. He nearly laughed as she splattered him with paint earlier in the day, and he was sorely tempted to drop protocol and exact retribution.

The smile she wore as she painted the room in that atrocious shade of yellow was one he would not forget soon.

Ignoring the phone as it rang, he focused on his speech, formatting it to emphasize the points he wanted to cover above all others. Having studied the numbers and the federal budget earlier in the year, he knew where he wanted to manipulate the figures to what he believed would be best for the country in his view.

“Good news,” Miroku called out as he hung up the phone in the suite. “I just got a call from our guy in New York City. They’ve confirmed to have both you and Shippou there to ring the opening bell on Wall Street tomorrow.”

Nodding, he acknowledged the change and saved his file before turning off his laptop.

“I’m going to arrange to fly out tonight. Tomorrow morning at 9am you ring the bell, followed by your speech at 9:30am. Then we’ll spend the afternoon preparing you for your first debate with Naraku tomorrow night.”

He didn’t miss the shudder that ran through Kagome at his opponents name and it caused him to wonder why she would be nervous of him. Walking by, he placed a hand briefly on her shoulder. He was compelled to offer her support, but their tight schedule wouldn’t allow anything more.

Before leaving the room, he glanced back at her one more time out of the corner of his eye, inwardly crowing over the light blush on her cheeks and the genuine smile that touched her lips.

Something about her... there was something about her that warmed him, he thought, before entering his room to pack his belongings for flight.

claim: sesshoumaru/kagome, rating: k, author: priestess_skye, set #1 theme #055: 笑顔 smiling face

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