[Contest Entry] Sesshoumaru Set1 #99 "Loves"

Jul 28, 2005 00:15

Title: One True Love?
Theme: Set 1 #99 "Loves"
Genres: Humor/Parody/General
Pairings Represented: InuYasha/Kagome
Word Count:547
Summary: Sesshoumaru loved no one or nothing untill...
Notes: This is a continuation of my last piece seen here. It actually is gonna be a little series. Not sure how long it will last but we'll see XD;
EDIT: I forgot to label this was a contest entry @__@; oops.

Sesshoumaru loved nothing.

Well, back when he was younger he had a teddy bear named “Mr. Floobles”. But Mr. Floobles was long gone, so it doesn’t matter. The fact is Sesshoumaru was a cold, heartless, and arrogant meanie that very few people could stand to be around.

So last time we left Sesshoumaru, he had just discovered that his brother had since left the tree he was pinned to. The thing that made him particularly upset about this was he remembered asking very politely for him to stay there until he could return. Sure that was 50 years later, but it didn’t matter.

So not being one who takes such things lightly, Sesshoumaru decided he’d get revenge from his brother for shunning him like that.

“So Jaken, what’s the plan?”

“Sesshoumaru-sama! I do not have one, as I was planning on following you!”

“Are you sure you don’t have a plan?”

“Yes Sesshoumaru-sama! I could come up with one!”

“Jaken. What are you thinking about right now?”


“Never mind, don’t answer that. I don’t want to know. How about I’ll come up with the plan.”

So that’s what he did. Sesshoumaru broke out his handy-dandy note book and went to sit in the thinking chair.

“Well Sesshoumaru-sama…if InuYasha won’t trust you, is there someone he does?”
“Hmmm he was always a Momma’s boy…”

Upon this revelation, Sesshoumaru had the best idea ever. He would dress up as InuYasha’s dead mother and try to get the info from him that way. However, this idea was shot down; by the fact that it wouldn’t work. So they came up with the lovely idea of using something else to be his mother. Blah blah blah and so on, you get the idea. (Remember episode 5?)

So after he had found out about the whole eye thing and stuff, Sesshoumaru decided it best to actually go to get the sword he wanted so much.

So there he was, at his father’s grave. While he was missing his daddy greatly, he noticed that InuYasha and that other person had followed him. So that broke that up. The he noticed something he hadn’t before.

That girl…my brother sure acts different around her. He’s…cute. Really cute. It’s so cute it makes me feel happy inside. Like back when I had Mr. Floobles…if not even more! I think…I’m…

“I’M A CHANGED YOUKAI!!!!” Sesshoumaru said with a tear in his eye. InuYasha and Kagome looked up at him in confusion.

“I mean… I’m going to kill you, because I hate you, InuYasha.”

“Keh let me see you try!” InuYasha was wondering what the heck was up with his already weird brother and Kagome was wondering some of the same things. However it didn’t matter because he was about to battle him anyways.

So they fought, however Sesshoumaru spent too much time noticing how cute it was InuYasha was using that sword to protect Kagome. So he lost an arm. That kind of sucked. So he left, only because he needed a very large band-aid. Otherwise he would have stuck around to see more Inu/Kag.

However, by the time he got his band-aid, he couldn’t find InuYasha again. This made him sad and very angry.

Stupid brother, always leaving when I don’t want you to.

set #1 theme #099: 大好き loves, claim: sesshoumaru, author: viola_player, rating: k+

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