Contest Entry (entries)

Jul 09, 2005 15:12

New here, and basically started to just show my favourite pairings and also because my muse has finally decided to visit me again. This is also a great way to help alleviate any summer boredom.

These are all pieces that I've written for my claims BEFORE I joined this community, they just happen to fit some of the themes. However anything that I enter after this post will be written completely new purely for this.

Gentle critiscm is great, I'm really bad at dealing with un-gentle anything, but if you feel you have to be mean to make my work better than okay.

Oh and before I start:
WARNING: Since I took up Sango/Kohaku all of the pieces I write for that pairing will most definately have incesty undertones or outright incest. So keep away if that is a squick.

Title: Darkest of Days
Theme you are basing the piece off of: Set #2, The Hidden Thought - 67
Genres: Romance-ish, General
Pairings Represented: Miroku/Kagome
Word Count: 268
Rating: G
Summary: Sometimes a small thing can brighten even the darkest of days.

(Darkest of Days)


Title: Such a Good Boy
Theme you are basing the piece off of: Set #2, Betrayal - 53
Genres: General, maybe angsty.
Pairings Represented: Sango/Kohaku
Word Count: 218
Rating: PG just to be safe, for the incesty undertones.
Summary: Promises made in the past and promises mean't to be broken.

(Such a Good Boy)


Title: Missing The Light
Theme you are basing the piece off of: Set #2, Scar - 2
Genres: Romance-ish/Angst
Pairings Represented: Sango/Kohaky, Kikyou/Kohaku - (but only because of S/K)
Word Count: 546
Rating: STRONG R, for sexual activities.
Summary: He misses her.

(Missing The Light)


Title: Pretender
Theme you are basing the piece off of: Set #2, Gaze - 35
Genres: General, maybe minor MINOR angst.
Pairings Represented: Miroku/Kagome, more unrequited Miroku - Kagome.
Word Count: 191
Rating: PG-13 just to be safe
Summary: 'Miroku is a very practiced bender of the truth'



Title: Manifesto
Theme you are basing the piece off of: Set #2, Wish - 62
Genres: Romance-ish/Angst-ish/General-ish
Pairings Represented: Miroku/Kagome
Word Count: 721
Rating: PG
Summary: 'It started off innocent enough'



Title: Made for Healing
Theme you are basing the piece off of: Set #2, Help is Requested - 27
Genres: Angst, so much angst.
Pairings Represented: Sango/Kohaku
Word Count: 589
Rating: R for the incest.
Summary: Kohaku doesn't want to be broken anymore.

(Made for Healing)


Title: Breaking
Theme you are basing the piece off of: Set #2, For That Person's sake - 93
Genres: Angsty, General
Pairings Represented: Sango/Kohaku
Word Count: 131
Rating: PG
Summary: Sango wishes for many things.

Okay, that's it! Finally, you all say. I'll come up with something new soon.

author: tragicamente, set #2 theme #053: 裏切り betrayal, rating: ma, rating: m, set #2 theme #027: 助けを求める requested help, rating: k, rating: t, rating: k+, set #2 theme #062: 願い wish, claim: kohaku/sango, set #2 theme #093: for his/her sake, set #2 theme #067: 秘めた思い hidden thought, set #2 theme #002: 傷 scar, set #2 theme #035: 視線 gaze

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