Title: Then and Now
Theme: Set #2 Theme 8 difference
Genre(s): AR
Word Count: 198
Rating: G
Summery: Ginta and Hakaku ponder the differences between then and now.
Then and Now
“Hey ,Ginta?”
“Yeah Hakaku?”
“It’s been years since we started this whole thing, right?”
“Yet, we’re still helping Kouga raise pups.”
“At least we can be open about these runts, since they’re his and Ayame’s. Besides, we’re actually experienced with this sort of thing now!”
“Hooray for us.”
“Don’t tell me you want to go back to before, Hakaku?”
“Of course not! This place finally feels settled and secure, not like back at our old home. Still, I wish Kouga’d watch his own pups once in awhile. It’s like with Tsuki all over again.”
“He’s the Chief now; he can’t be a family-man all the time.”
“Did you ever think it’d turn out like this?”
“Honestly, with the way things were before, I thought for sure we’d die along the way. He was just so set on that revenge quest. I never figured we’d be able to return to a normal life, much less be able to rebuild ourselves. We went from being wanderers to being respected.”
Hakakau grinned. “Kouga’s changed too. Ayame and the pups have mellowed him out a lot.”
“I never thought I’d hear ‘Kouga’ and ‘mellow’ in the same sentence.”