Title: The Old Witch's Eyes
Theme: Set #2 Theme 18 Destiny
Genre(s): AR
Word Count: 343
Rating: G
Summery: The old witch has something to say before she dies.
The Old Witch’s Eyes
“Takara, why did you call me out like this? I have things I need to do!”
“There are things you should know. You have an interesting destiny before you, Kouga.”
“Like what?
“You’ll have many children. Not right away, of course, but by the time your sister is of marriageable age you will have them. The elder of the sisters will have a very strong will, like your own sister. One will be frail in body but not in mind, and I see the last will be very timid, but she will have someone always by her side, because she will be a twin.”
“Twins huh? I guess it runs in the family.”
“Being in love produces more children, it seems. Rira will have at least one more, too.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Moon’s blood runs through your veins as well as your wife’s, because of that, I can see where the line will go, I wanted to tell you these things before I die.”
“You’re dying?”
“I’m old, after all. I was a young woman when your mother was born, and I was there again when her daughter came into the world. My time is drawing near. I can feel it in these old bones.”
“Does the Moon God come back?”
“Yes, but only once, our dear Maiden is due to tell him off shortly after she gets married. There’s punching involved.”
“Good girl. She’ll marry eventually, won’t she?”
“Yes. I can see that she is very happy with him. She’s always smiling in the future I see. It will be a hard struggle, but the tribe accepts her on her own terms. She becomes a powerful warlord.”
“A warlord, huh?”
Kouga turned to leave.
“Kouga. You yourself will be a very respected and wise Leader. Truthfully, I wasn’t happy when Chiyo abandoned her duty for your father, but perhaps fate wanted her to be with him. For it is her children, who will help rebuild us and make us stronger than we ever were alone.”