Title: Small Steps
Theme: Set #1 Theme 63 Affection
Genre(s): AR
Word Count: 283
Rating: G
Summery: Love grows little by little.
Note: Please see
here for a complete list of all the storyline fics.
Small Steps
The amount of affection a spouse could expect to receive depended greatly on the partner’s emotional maturity.
It was not uncommon for grown men to act like stubborn little boys when it came to showing affection towards their wives. That is to say, it didn’t happen often; at least not publicly.
Then there were the rare instances, like Rira’s relationship to Kazuo. He never missed a moment to do things like hug her or complement her when she accomplished something.
Her sister was really lucky.
Kouga was still a little emotionally stunted in some regards, but she could see he was figuring out what worked for him.
He did not publicly ignore her like some did, but he wasn’t overly affectionate towards her, either. He still had to act tough in front of the men. She understood that. Though, he would often take her hand if they were going somewhere together and he always hugged her close to him if he thought she was in danger.
It was getting to the point where he didn’t babble and excuse when he held her in front of others. He’d just kind of glare at them until they shut up.
“So what if I wanted to hug my wife goodbye? If it makes you uncomfortable, you can leave.”
Hearing him say those words to the men who had snickered at the sudden show of affection made her so happy. She gave him a small kiss on the cheek, but passed it off as if she were whispering something to him. He didn’t seem to mind.
She was content with the small steps he was making at being more open with their relationship.