Title: Pinch Me
Theme: Set #1 Theme 2 Dream
Genre(s): AR
Word Count: 193
Rating: G
Summery:Ayame gets her wish.
Note: Please see
here for a complete list of all the storyline fics.
Pinch Me
Did that really just happen?
No, she had to be dreaming.
He couldn’t have…
“Rira, pinch me,” Ayame ordered.
Her twin looked up at her. She was feeding Tsubaki.
“I’m a little busy at the moment, Sis. Mind telling me what’s got you in a daze?”
“Kouga… he actually set a date for our marriage, under the cherry tree and… he looked happy with the idea.”
Rira laughed. “It’s about time he got a lick of sense. Have you told Gramps?”
Ayame blushed. “….Not yet.”
Rira grinned. “I bet he’ll be ecstatic, for the future of the clan, but mostly for your happiness. It sounds like Kouga’s grown some since you left for the Land of Pain.”
“I think he has. He’s grown into his own strength.”
“Did he really take on the God?”
Ayame nodded. “Tsu-chan was that important to him. I was that important to him.”
“He protected you?”
“Many times.”
Rira sighed. “I never thought I’d say this, but you picked a good one, Sis. I wish you all the happiness in the world.”
“Thank you, my dear little twin. Now I can finally catch up to you!”