Title:It's a Trap!
Theme: Set #1 Theme 84 Danger
Genre(s): AR
Word Count: 125
Rating: G
Note: Ayame wonders why she did that.
It’s a Trap!
She ran for the voice without questioning the authenticity of it.
Big mistake.
Looking back on it, it was obviously a trap.
Finding her so quickly would have been too easy, but the danger never even crossed her mind.
She wanted to see the little girl again.
That thought alone pushed her forward.
It was not until the lightning hit her that she could see the foolishness in her decision to run ahead.
When had she become so impulsive?
When she felt like a mother.
Mother’s protected their young, no matter what.
It was how her own mother had died.
That seemed like such a long time ago.
Now it seemed she made the same mistake.
But was it, really?