Fic Adoption Master List

Jul 08, 2008 07:01

I'll have a new round up at the end of the month, but for those of you who want to pick and choose flashfics to write, feel free to grab one from the pile. Comments are screened to maintain the element of surprise. I'll mark requests as claimed, but not who claimed them. Claims will expire with no penalties at the end of the month. Multiple claims are okay, just try to leave other people something to write. ^_^

January 06:

For numisma:
Pairings/Characters: Miroku Kohaku (obviously platonic), Kagome Kouga (can be romantic or platonic), Sango Sesshoumaru (can be romantic or platonic)
Genre: HUMOR! Make me LAUGH like a silly little bitch ^_~ no AU, no songfic
Max Rating: hard PG-13 (like, PG-13 by MMO's standards, not's standards)

For eostra:
Pairings/Characters: Kikyou, Izayoi/Onigumo (consensual, please), Sango Kouga (can be platonic or romantic)
Genre: Please, no AU, songfic, PWP, or heavy fluff. Dark humour is not necessary, but will earn my eternal love.
Max Rating: Go wild. Invent a new rating, if you want. Claimed

March 06:

For belledaynight:
(x) Bankotsu/Kagome, Suikotsu/Kikyo, Shippo/Rin, Sesshoumaru/Kagura
(x) angst, action, satire
(x) R

June 06:

For fluorescens:
(x) Rin, Souta, Miroku/Kagome, Kouga
(x) Anything is fine.
(x) no limit! Claimed.

July 06:

For faemous:
Pairings/Characters: Inuyasha/Older!Rin, Souta, Kagome/Hojo, Kouga
Genre: drama, angst and romance are a plus, although I'm not picky. Fluff is okay, as long as it doesn't choke me, and AU is frowned upon. Backstory is sexy. For the characters, you may pair them with whomever you like or no one at all, as long as the story is essentially about that character.
Max Rating: NC-17 Claimed.

August 06:

For nelson_bannaba:
Pairings/Characters:Sessmom (in light of recent events), Jaken/OC, Sesshoumaru/Byakuya, Sango/Kaede
Genre:Fluff, comedy, PWP, AU, spankings, songfics, it’s all good.
Max rating: open

For paynesgrey:
Pairings/Characters: the Inu no Taisho, Inuyasha/Kikyou, Kagome's school friends (Eri Yuka Ayumi), Rin/Kohaku (relationships can be platonic)
Genres: anything but sonfic and AU (AR is OKAY) No rape please.
Max rating: open

For alf_b:
Pairings/Characters: Souta Buyo, Kohaku, Sesshoumaru/Kagura, Kagome/Naraku
Genres: Pretty much anything, 'cept for songfic.
Max rating: no limit, just write! *grin* Claimed

September 06:

For alterfano:
mir/san, inu/kag, sess/rin, kouga/ayame
NC-17 max
Note: i'd really like some relationship exploration. make it real. make it deep. doesn't have to be explicit. if sess/rin - adult!rin only if romantic (ie, no kiddie porn please)

For dqbunny:
Pairings/Characters: Sessmom, Sesshoumaru, Rin, Miroku (any of these can be in a pairing, but not yaoi/yuri)
Genre: Any
Max rating: NC-17

October 06:

For yamikinoko:
Pairings/Characters:Sesshou-Maru x Grown Rin; Miroku x Sango; I'd like to see Jaken and Sesshou's mother in there somewhere, k? ^^
Genre: romance, make it angsty if you wish. XD Don't mind character death so write away. XD
Max Rating: PG-13 [I'm kinda queasy when it gets to higher ratings... ^^;;;]Claimed.

February 07:

For tragicamente:
(x) Kikyou/Inupapa/Kagome, Miroku/Kagome/Prostitute, Kouga/Kagome, Sesshoumaru/Sango
(x)Romance. Definately. and try to end semi-happily?
(x) NC-17

For yamikinoko:
(x)four pairings or characters: Sesshou-Maru/Rin, Sesshou-Maru/Kagura, Miroku/Sango, Sessmom/Inupapa
(x) genre (angst, fluff, romance, happy ending, etc.) : I don't mind angst; fluff is preferrably not. I like romance [with angst even better]; completely happy endings make me gag. Introspections are lovely, if you can fit in humor, satire, the like, lovely.
(x) max rating: R [<--implied smut is alright, the actual thing: please no for the sake of my poor mind]

October 07

For malicehaughton:
(x) four pairings or characters: Kagome/Inuyasha, Miroku/Sango, Sesshoumaru/Kagura, Rin.
(x) genre: Anything goes.
(x) max rating: Anything goes here too.

For eggplantlady:
Pairings/Characters: Kagura, Kirara, Miroku/Sango, Sango Kagome
Genre: No yaoi/yuri, otherwise anything goes.
Rating: Any.

For raychcons:
(x) four pairings or characters: Kagome, Rin, Kagome/Sesshoumaru, Kagome/InuTashio
(x) genre: Romance/Angst
(x) max rating: NC-17

December 07

For lye_tea:
(x) four pairings or characters: Sesshoumaru/Sessmom, Ryuukossei/Sessmom, Shippou/Kagome (plotonic, present-day), Kouga/Kagome (present-day)
(x) genre: future!fic, introspection, no ooc, general, serious fic, no humor
(x) max rating: R Claimed.

For sparkling_dew
(x) Four pairings /characters: Inuyasha (seme) X Sesshoumaru (uke), a threesome with Sesshoumaru as uke, Inuyasha X Kagome, Sesshoumaru X Rin (father-daughter).
(x) Genre (angst, fluff, romance, happy ending): PWP, yaoi, romance, sex, drama, voyeurism, little angst okay. No sad ending, noncon, horror/tragedy genres, character deaths, darkfic, except for Inuyasha X Kagome. No Kikyou bashing.
(x) Rating: M and above, except for Sesshoumaru X Rin.
Side info: I only like tragic Inuyasha X Kagome.

Please let me know if there are any errors here. If I got the names confused, if I listed something that's already been written, etc.

Now claim away! ^____^

EDIT: It seems I missed October 07, so three more requests are now up.
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