Happy New Year, everyone! I hope you guys all had a fabulous holiday season.
We are currently open for nominations! Go to
our Yahoo!Groups page to speak up and get your favorite fics of the past four months recognized!
This is our calendar for this term:
Nominating Phase - January 1 - January 21
Membership Closes Through Voting: January 28
Downtime (Seconding if Necessary): January 22 - January 28
Last Day to Challenge: January 22
Last Day to Appeal: January 27
Voting: January 29 - February 18
The rest of the rules - such as the format for nominations and our categories - are under the cut. If you have any questions, feel free to message us here or email any of the mods. Emails are also under the cut. Happy reading!
NOTE: All phases begin and end at midnight Eastern Time. - If the start is January 3, then the exact start time is the midnight between January 2 and January 3; if the end is January 12, then the exact end time is the midnight between January 12 and January 13.
II. Award Categories
Best Action/Adventure
Best Alternate Universe/Reality
Best Canon
Best Characterization
Best Comedy
Best Crossover
Best DarkFic/Horror
Best Drama
Best Lemon
Best Multi-Chapter
Best Oneshot
Best Original Character
Best Poem/Verse
Best Romance: Inuyasha/Kagome
Best Romance: Miroku/Sango
Best Romance: Other
Best Short-Short (500 words max.)
Best Songfic/Poemfic
Best Yaoi/Yuri
See "Category Definitions" in the "Rules & Regulations - Current" folder or go to the webpage at
http://inuyashafanguild.com/?page_id=11 III. Nominating Rules & Format
A story is eligible for the 3rd Term 2011 Awards if it had been posted anytime between September 1, 2011 and December 31, 2011 (This includes older stories with new chapters or new content posted within that date-range.) If a story is found to be too old (or too young) to qualify, it will be removed automatically. A story must be available on a public site (no membership required to view). A story must be public; if you are required to register to view it then an alternate link must be provided or the nomination will not be accepted. Also, if a story is taken down or an archive is off-line, an alternate link must be provided.
Basic Rules:
1. You cannot nominate your own work.
2. You can nominate only two stories per category; if required, you can second only one story per category and it cannot be the same story you nominated.
3. You cannot nominate the same story into more than three categories. There are no IYFG-wide limitation on the number of times a story can be nominated.
4. You cannot nominate the same author into more than six categories. There are no IYFG-wide limitation on the number of times an author can be nominated.
5. Provisional nominations/secondings are not allowed.
Restricted (Forbidden Works): Last Term's winners that cannot be re-nominated into those categories where they won 1st Place; authors who do not want to be nominated at the IYFG; authors who have been banned from the IYFG. These lists will be provided in the following email.
CYA Statement:
Stories rated MA and anything nominated into the "Best Lemon Category" require a note stating that you (the nominator) are an adult (17+). (It is also required if you second those stories.) A typical CYA Statement is: `I am over 17'. A CYA statement is always required, no 'credit' is granted for a previously-posted CYA statement.
Nominating Format: As much as possible, please try to adhere to the format guidelines for nominations and secondings.
Subject Line: Nominations, 2nd Term 2011 Nominations, etc
(General Format)
Nominated by:
(For Best Characterization & Best Original Character)
Nominated by:
(For Best Yaoi/Yuri)
Yaoi or Yuri:
Nominated by:
(For Best Lemon)
URL (for the chapter with the lemon):
Nominated by:
A template can also be found here:
http://inuyashafanguild.com/?page_id=63 IV. Seconding Rules & Format
Basic Rules:
1. You cannot second your own work.
2. You cannot second your own nomination.
CYA Statement:
MA and "Best Lemon" stories require a CYA Statement.
Seconding Format:
Subject Line: Seconds, 2nd Term 2011 Seconds, etc
(General Format)
Seconded by:
V. Polls and Voting-Related Issues
All nominations that make it to the voting stage will be voted on during the term they are nominated. If there are only 2 or 3 nominations that make it to the voting stage, all possible places will be awarded. If there is only 1 nominee that makes it to the voting stage, that work will be awarded 1st place if it wins a simple majority against "No award should be given." If it does not, it gets 2nd place and doesn't compete in the end of year awards.
All term award polls have a 'no award should be given' option. If it receives less than 75% of the votes for that poll, it will not be counted at all. Otherwise no award will be given at all (for that poll).
VI. Challenging/Appealing and Removal Notices
Please send all challenges and appeals to
IYFG.CC@gmail.com It is the Challenge Committee alone that determines if a story will be removed and/or re-instated. Further, the challenge process is open to all members of the IYFG. For a complete and detailed description of this topic read the "Challenge Guidelines.doc" and the "Challenge Guidelines FAQ" in the "Rules & Regulations - Current" folder or go to
http://inuyashafanguild.com/?page_id=17 A Removal (or DQ) Notice does not explicitly state the cause of the disqualification but will include tags describing the issues in general. Full information will be provided to the nominator and/or seconder (and authors upon request). All IYFG members have the right to challenge a removal (see the files above); however, some removals will be easier to challenge than others. A disqualification based on a category's definition is very difficult to appeal. On the other hand, if story was removed because of grammar/punctuation/spelling/etc and those issues were corrected, then that can be appealed easily.
This is a tentative list of tags:
CAT() = category issues (w.categories)
DATE = posting/updating issues
FRMT = format issues
G/S = grammar or spelling issues
G&S = grammar and spelling issues
P = punctuation issues
W = word usage issues
(others will be added if the situation warrants it)
VII. Further Notes and Contact Info
Rating System:
The IYFG uses fanfiction.net's rating system. Stories are rated K (G), K+ (PG), T (PG-13), M (R), MA (NC-17). see "Fic Ratings Key" in the "Rules & Regulations - Current" folder or can be found at:
http://inuyashafanguild.com/?page_id=14. Moderation:
The list will be fully moderated. (We do that to curb the number of posts and spam :( .) Messages will be processed in the order of Yahoo's delivery. Note that sometimes, when the volume of email is high, Yahoo does not cooperate and delivery drags. Note also that you should not re-submit the same, exact message repeatedly because it does not appear immediately - it takes time to process nominations and seconds - also Yahoo is creative about how it determines SPAM so your future messages may be delayed beyond anybody's control.
Nominations and secondings will be processed chronologically; only the first nominator/seconder will be credited, subsequent nominators/seconders will be free to try again. Watch for posts whose subjects begin with "EDITED:" as they contain errors or notices for the original poster. (Note: if there's not one valid nomination or seconding, it may be rejected outright with instructions given about what to do.) All edited messages detail what is wrong and how it can be corrected.
Typical issues are (in order of 'popularity')
- Missing CYA statement.
- Nominating or seconding a story that was already nominated or seconded.
- A story was not written and/or updated during the required time-frame.
- A story and/or author was on the forbidden list.
- A story that had been DQ'ed for non-category issues.
If a message is OT (off-topic) it will not be approved unless it affects the awards and/or stories (for example: one of the archives goes off-line).
Try to send messages as text instead of HTML; text is easier to edit.
Current IYFG Mods:
Abraxas - 3T2011 Lead (
RosieB - Challenge Committee (
LavenderRose- Moderation (
FrameofMind- Moderation/Beta (
Catt - Moderation/Membership (
Psyco_chick32 - Website (
Caitriona (part-time)- Website (
IYFGModerator@gmail.com - General comments, questions, and complaints
IYFG.CC@gmail.com - Anything to do with Challenge Committee business
IYFG.Beta@gmail.com - Anything to do with Beta Group business
IYFG.NomMod@gmail.com - Anything to do with nomination proceedings
(not for submitting noms)
IYFG.Web@gmail.com - Anything to do with the website
Forbidden, Author Requested Ban, and Plagiarist List
Forbidden List
(these stories are ineligible only in the categories where they won 1st place.
EX: Peace Treaty by piratequeen can't be renominated into Best Action/Adventure but it can be nominated into Best MultiChaptered (or where ever it fits)
- Best Action/Adventure - Peace Treaty by piratequeen0405
- Best Alternate Universe/Reality - Opacity by L.M. Avalon
- Best Canon - Brief Moments by KnittingKnots
- Best Characterization - Lord Charming by forthright
- Best Comedy - The Adventures Of Chibimaru And Gang by MissTeak
- Best Crossover -
The Duck And The Jewel by Griddlebone
Kismet by psycho_chick32
- Best Dark/Horror Fic - The Asylum by xDaniellax
- Best Drama - Voluntary Obligation by Hairann
- Best Lemon - FLIGHT by sesshys_jaded_samuri
- Best MultiChaptered - Pretty Girl by LC Rose
- Best Oneshot - No Me Without You by Kanna37
- Best Original Character - The Color of Hope by Neisha
- Best Poem/Verse Fic - Angel by Neisha
- Best Romance: Inuyasha/Kagome - Dogs Hunt In Packs by SamuraiDemonPuppy
- Best Romance: Miroku/Sango - Kismet by psycho_chick32
- Best Romance: Other -
A Heart's Recompense by time on my hands
The Missing Link by Inuyasha4ev.Tsukiko-san
On The River's Edge by Priestess Skye
- Best ShortShort - Protect And Mend by ananova
- Best Song/Poem Fic - One Night On The Road Home by KnittingKnots
- Best Yaoi/Yuri - Strength by ajj7sunhawk
Author Requested Ban
Demonlordlover, Inufan625, Yabou, Kagome357, Jenerik_Brand, Quirkyslayer/Paynesgrey, Selina MacCloveror, Madmiko, Nile, Danyealle-sama, and Inugrrrl do not want to be nominated for any category.
FarAwayEyes does not want to be nominated for Best Crossover.
Doggieearlover has request that Minoue no be nominated for Best Romance
-Miroku/Sango, but other categories are allowed.
SalomeSensei has requested Claiming Kin not be nominated for any category.
Plagiarism Bans
Baby_powder is under an 8-quarter penalty. (Ban expires June 2012)
Khaos is under an 8-quarter penalty. (Ban expires June 2012)
LordSesshoMarusGirl is under an 8-quarter penalty. (Ban expires August 2012)