As the title says, our theme for September is:
What Lies in the Dark
Entries will be accepted from now until 11:59 p.m. CST on September 23, 2010. Please interpret the theme as you like.
ETA: Please include the theme you would like to have used in the event that you win for this month with your entry! That way we can keep things moving smoothly.
ETA the Second: Due to a logistical error, the end date has been changed. Please take note that we will take entries for three weeks, vote for one, and start the new theme on the first of the new month.
Just as a refresher, here's the rules for submission:
All stories must be sent to and be formatted thusly:
Subject: Month and theme (ex: January/Snow)
The body of your email should include the following heading:
Next Month's Theme:
Genre: Not required, but encouraged.
Warnings: Please warn for anything that others might find squicksome. These things include but are not limited to character death, gore, yaoi/slash, yuri/femmeslash, teeth rotting fluff, underage character pairings, etc.
Pairing/Characters: Not required, but encouraged.
Author: Just so the moderator knows who wrote it and who to credit it to on the reveal/award post.
<*lj-cut text="story title">
story text
<*/lj-cut> (remove the stars.)
All entries should include any HTML formatting you need. The moderators will not go through your story for you and replace your italic or bold tags. Please make sure you include those yourself.
Remember, guessing who wrote is all part of the fun, and you are perfectly welcome to comment with who you think the culprit is. Confirming or denying those guesses, however, isn't. Let's keep this fun for everyone. ^_^ All will be revealed when the voting results go up.
Welcome back, everyone! Let the games begin!