ive had a pretty good past few days. like yesterday school was boring but i got frustrated in adv. music cuz i wasnt getting everything. i asked hazlett to help me after school and he (surprisingly) didnt laugh or nething and was like ok its good that u want help. that felt pretty good. so i loved hangin with john nix, ash and dan a in english. i
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Where should I begin? I love Ashley to death. On behalf of all your guy friends we love you too Alyssa. We are also proud of you. As far as being racist goers I understand. Just remeber they are just like any other group of people: Don't judge the whole group by a couple a couple idiots. Brett reminds me of Ashley and myself. I once told her that I feel bad for anybody who hangs around the both oof us bnecuase they are going to get hurt. If I wasn't so big I wouldn't get hurt all the time (see picture below). For girls names may I suggest: Trinity, Gwen, and Morgan. Please what ever you do do not under any circumstances name you daughter Kristina. I have a good reason if you ever want to know.
The red part is where I gashed my finger with a box cutter at work. I had blood running all down my hand:
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