May 18, 2004 20:20
hey i havnt updated in like a week or something..... here is wat i did this weekend.....
Friday- went to hale after skool saw alicia,laurel,evasmall 1,and alot
of other people.....then went to the movies with kelsey and aysha and
sarah.....then at the movies we met with eva and her friend and
michelle..... it was fun then we had a camping trip in kelsweys front
yard.....and all r parents didnt thinki we would make it through the
night but we did it was fun.....
Saterday- woke up and went in kelseyws room then went to blockbuster
but it was closed and sat at home and watched movies after we got back
wen it oppened adn we were watching the texas chansaw masiker it wqs so
scary ad then we saw the scary then went to the movies
with kelsey and sarah it was fun i guess ooo ya and aysha sorry and we
ate at rubys and ya it was good.....and we saw misha and cali and
deseri and michael and ian and more people......then spelt at sarahs
house and ya.....
Sunday- woke up and was on the trampoleen all day and we went to get
sarahs hair cut ( it looks so cute) she doesnt like it but i
do.....then i came hoime and now i m here......kk well skool
call me <333