I believe everyone has the right to know when i need to pee =)

Dec 29, 2009 20:12


i do not like sparkles, tinsels, and glitter. i am not a boy, i do not like shiny things. i do not like the color blue and white. i do not like unnecessary noises like whistling and tuneless humming. i hate mainstream music. most of it is just noise. i do not like cold food. i take extra time just to warm it. i do not like mornings and vents. i dislike liars. i do not like materialistic people because i feel stupid talking to plastic. i was very unkind to my barbie dolls as a child. i do not like brand names because they are overpriced and styleless. i don't like movie theaters. there is always that obnoxious girl, the couple that makes out, and the guy who has bad body odor. i can't believe i paid to be there. uh, i hate sweat pants. oh, and bare feet. i don't like alcohol. it makes people stupid. i can be that way without it. i hate commercials. and killing movies. and animal abuse. and UV rays. and angst. and adult acne. and my compulsive desire to pick up the trash on the sidewalk. boys, i do not like very much. they're kinda hot though 27.3% of the time. the lack of toilet paper. mother nature's monthly gift. i hate lines to anywhere. cafeteria food drenched in cheese and grease. dirty dishes. i hate it when i swear. eye bags. cheap, broken things. there must be a cycle of inadequacy. you buy, then buy more with an excuse that there is something missing or insufficient with what you bought, then you buy more. i didn't like sleeping beauty. neither do i like stale chocolate. i'm not a fan of cheese and curry either. i hate it when strangers look at you creepily. i do not make eye contact. it's looking into the windows of my soul! what's "mohair"? isn't that goat hair? i dislike real fur. it's horrible how they attained it. i also don't like being the third wheel, they should learn how to ride bikes. i think cats lack personality, personally.

*done peeing*

I drank lots of water.
I use the term pee for rant, because peeing is voiding toxins in the body, similar to ranting.
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