Fire Emblem - Sacean Nights and other randomness

May 27, 2008 21:58

Well, might as well use this as a planning board for Fire Emblem: Sacean Nights.

If you're curious, yet not curious enough right off to click the link, it's an AFF fic set in the Fire Emblem series, involving the Lady Lyndis enjoying herself upon several of the ladies from FE 7, 8, and 9. AFF Warning tags include F/F, con, n/con, mild to heavy BDSM, fisting, M/F, Incest, anal, Rape, and others listed further.

So far, I have the initial concept chapter (Which was originally only going to be a one-shot), and two chapters after that. I've ten chapters slightly planned, which I'll list below. Aside from the posted chapters, and the list below, I'm willing to take any suggestions for additional chapters, as long as it stays F/F.

Planned Chapters (List may or may not change, depending on input from others)

Farina (Basically done on paper, just needs to be typed out. Nothing too out of the ordinary here)

Serra (Same as Farina for percent, almost as bad as the first or second chapter, involving the use of a healing staff in uses that probably were not intended by the clerics)

Karla (Same, about the same rating as Farina's)

Mark (One of the few, few, M/F scenes in the series overall, about mid Ch 3 strength in ratings)

Mist (Planned, envisioned, half way written out. Will, unless a later chapter changes this, be the worse in terms of sadism involved. Also will include the most blatant case of rape in the fiction.)

Lethe (Two-thirds written, Consent is heavy, and it involves a catgirl, what's not to love?)

Ilyania (Barely written, but still tossing ideas around)

Ninian (Like Ilyania, will be con)

Myrrth (I'm still debating if I should do this chapter or not, but if I do, it'll involve Myrrth's Dragon form, and Lyn using her entire lower body for a specific reason not mentioned here)

Louise (Lactation central, as well as some consenting use of the toy on the back entrance of a female.)

And, that's about it for now. If you've ideas or suggestions, feel free to leave it in!

fire emblem: sacean nights, emblem, aff, lethe, fire, fire emblem, lyn

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