The Testament of Firelord Zuko: Abbreviated

Feb 01, 2011 16:37

Just a little something for the Chat Group to enjoy! Not as brooding as I originally intended, but meh, I can only do so much without external help. Plus, I wanted to add in a bit about Zuko's marriage as well


(1 Year after Sozin's Comet)

I'm honestly not one for one of these, but not having as many people to talk to means I need to voice my thoughts somewhere....or so Mai and my Uncle have suggested....Mai.... by Agni I love her.... even now I can't help but picture her in my head, almost as if she's filling every thought i make... I'm going to ask her next week, the 'party' that everyone insisted that we throw. I just hope everyone contains themselves....and that I can actually give the speech I planned for her alright...and I hope she says yes. I can't see myself living without her...I don't know how I would have survived coming back here if it were not for her..... then she went so far as to take me back after the prison....I should have went back for her. I had no way of knowing what Azula would have done to her.....I should have gone back. (The entry ends here, an ink line seemingly dragged across the bottom of the page during the writing of another symbol, almost as if it were suddenly dragged away. Most likely, the future Firelady was insistent on the Firelord's attentions, and took matters into her own hands)

(Next Entry, a month later)

With all that's been going on, I haven't had the time to write in this thing as much as I'd like to. As almost everyone said, I had nothing to worry about.....aside from royally messing up anything resembling that could have been considered a proposal. I had a big speech, all about how she was the best thing to ever come into my life...and I flub it up not even after a minute! I envy Aang and Sokka, they can say whatever comes to mind without getting all tongue tied, it seemed. At least Mai smiled after I made a fool of myself. We haven't decided on a date yet, but it's going to have to be soon. I'm not looking forward to all the ceremonies and rituals we're going to have to go though....especially not looking forward to having to deal with her parents.......if I could, I'd just have them sent as far away from her as possible, after all they did to her in her childhood....

(Three months later)

FINALLY!!! (This word appears to have been written in far harder than the rest of the entire journal, almost as if Zuko was forcing his frustrations into the text itself)

Note to self: NEVER do that again! Worst month ever. First they insist on me and Mai not being in the same house for the month, completely ignoring the fact that we've been living together ever since the war ended....... (Here it seems Zuko went off on another one of his brooding moments regarding his 'failure' at The Boiling Rock, however the next page was missing from the journal when it was delivered. The only proof of it being there in the first place being the dried ink from the torn page lightly imprinting itself on the reverse of this page)

...Sokka decided to keep going, drunk out of his mind about how I was "his best friend" and that he'd never forget hearing me gush on and on about Mai while breaking into the Boiling Rock. While I did mention her once while we were going there, it wasn't that often! Mai's Uncle was beyond upset at this and probably would have walked off were it not for both Mai glaring at him, and my Uncle giving him a few words of wisdom, it seemed. Finally, FINALLY, everything ended. Me and Mai were married, and by Agni, it was worth it just to see her smile. She gave her usual "This is boring" response to everyone when she grew tired of it, but she was so giddy afterwards.... I'd do it again if I knew she'd smile like that again in front of everyone. She's so beautiful when she smiles like that....

(The journal continues, sporadically, for a few more entries, mostly of Zuko complaining about ministers, corrupt officials, and the like, before cutting off entirely for almost a year and a half)

(2 and a half years post Comet) [few weeks into chat continuity]

I never thought I'd be opening this again, but something's wrong, and I won't have word spreading.... Ever since that night..... that night Koh somehow manifested in our world....I can hear his voice. Despite never hearing him before, only having him described to me by Aang, I know it's him that's talking to me. I can feel it in me somehow....gripping me, wrapped around me, whispering. "She'll leave you, you're not strong enough to keep her safe....." I'm scared.... I can't admit it to anyone, but I'm scared. What if something happens to her because of this?

(The entry ends here, but, a few pages later, something odd, in Zuko's handwriting but not his style shows up)

Anything to protect her, anything to keep her safe. The world can Burn, the people can die, the Balance be damned, as long as she's safe....

I can't seem to sleep anyway, so I might as well write in this more. It's getting worse. I first thought it was because of these portals, these 'gateways' into other realities that was the cause of this.... Hell, I even attacked the next Avatar because of this....but I was wrong...... I'm cursed, infected with some of that Spirit's own tainted blood. If it wasn't for Mai worrying about something, I'd just as soon sleep by myself for fear of contaminating her with this.... I can't let her worry about me, she's got enough to worry about as it is....

Yue appeared before the court today. Sokka was flabergast, but thankfully, she kept straight to the point. The meteor that Sokka had forged his 'Space Sword' from was a gift from the Spirit of Air, normally for the Avatar, as an 'anti-spirit' weapon, the metal it contained being harmful to their nature. Needless to say, I'm not going to take any chances. Piandao has already been instructed to forge whatever he can from the metal, but to focus specifically on armor and knives for Mai. I won't let anything harm her, Spirit or mortal, there's no difference if they try and attack her anymore.

Solstice, Koh appeared, tried to harm Mai, was repelled enough by Armor to leave. Only good of the night, Mai's pregnant.... I'm hoping for twins, personally

Everyone seems to think that a vacation would do me wonders, so I'm agreeing simply for the sake to get away from all this palace insanity for a few weeks. Me and Mai are going to Ember Island, and the entire area is to be closed off to the public, save for a few guards, two cooks, and a few servants. It'll be nice to just relax for once..... maybe me and Mai can go back to that spot on the west beach again.....

I hate every single one of them right now. They go off to the spirit world, and apparently get so caught up with fixing that false Katara, that they get nothing done with helping me one bit.... the sickness is getting worse. I'm getting more paranoid and ill lately.... at least Mai's been keeping to the Royal Chambers when not around, so she can't see any of what I've been throwing up. Nothing I want for her to see at all. I can't let her worry about this, she has to worry about the children first.......

Free...finally free from this thing....but at what cost? Me and Azu both felt something.....tug at us that night. I really don't want to think about it now though. For the first week in months, I've had some of the most peaceful sleep I've ever had, next to my beautiful wife (Despite what she might think, she's still and always will be beautiful.), and despite the insanity with Quoro and a few others, things are going quiet.... I'm still worried though about Azula. I wish she would let me go with her on her trip. I know she wants to do this for herself and Ty Lee, but why can't she at least let me even talk to the Sun Warriors? Part of me is going to hate my father even more just because of how he's warped her as well as me. That man doesn't deserve the title of Father at all. Maybe once she returns, we can start to talk things though........and Mai's calling, so I'm going to close this up for a while, I think.... she could use another massage, full body....

chatcanon, plot, maiko, zuko, tyzula

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