Aug 18, 2004 17:11
omgsh warped tour was so awesome, and i must say my shoes are wicked now hahah. i got so many freaking people to sign them it was amazing. just in case you care some of the bands that signed werrree
the fully down, bad religion, bayside, a guy from NOFX, just a bunchh of bands hahah its great. anyways we had lots of fun and i crowd surfed twice itw as fun :). jill went with us too! YAY! haha oh yea and we had tons of fun at the lodge place
pac-man and crew team all the way ahah. we went on a three hour rafting thing down this river. it was pretty sweet. :) i had lots of fun with that. todays pretty crazy though, but oh well it'll work out right amanda? hahah we did it yesterday!!!! LOL man that was hillarious (if you wanna know we'll talk later). well anyways ill update more later right now im kinda busy!