My Day - or - Time Is Pain

Aug 31, 2008 21:16

0. The Karate Teen had three friends over - Red, Mr. Braid, and NSSHERE, and they played Dungeons and Dragons. That's a good time all by itself!

0.a. GFG came over to bring NSSHERE a safe lunch (and fed the other three) and stayed to visit.

Annoying things for the day:

0. The Beloved Husband forgets that I can't move fast. We went to Target to get a few necessities, and he and the Teen zoomed, raced, jogged, and otherwise hauled a**, leaving me panting, with my hips aching, and far, far, behind.  I hate that behaviour, and I told the Spouse so. The Teen knew it was wrong - he kept glancing back to find me, but he could not divert the juggernaut that is his father.

1. The spouse also assumed I was shopping any time I wasn't exactly where he expected me to be. He scolded, assuming that I was wasting time browsing. Right now, shopping hurts. I don't waste time because time is pain. I told him I didn't appreciate this, and if he wanted to know why  I was doing what I was doing, he could ask. Don't assume.

True thing for the day:

Torture is wrong. John McCain can never be right until he publicly renounces his position on such treatment of any person in US custody and condemns its use throughout the world.