The Karate Teen's friend Sailor Blond is spending the weekend with us. Both guys wanted Dim Sum for breakfast, so we got our bones up and moving. The
Empress Pavilion was its normal self, yummy. We had gai bao, sweet pork buns, sesame balls, meatballs, and the Teen's favorite, "broccoli", which is what our family calls "bok choi". The foul and filthy boba drinks weren't available, so, after we'd eaten, I sent them next door to buy their drinks.
We shopped a little, enjoyed the fugly fountain, bought a couple of Gundam models. The Teen and his friend are busy assembling said models. Sailor Blond's Macbook isn't feeling well, so they have an appointment this afternoon at the Apple store.
Busy day.
Here's the ugliest fountain I've ever seen: