Feb 09, 2005 01:25
Well, I was about to get offline tonight and goto bed and then this dude IMed me and I told him I was going to restart my computer since my keyboard was fucking up and my "C" key still wasn't working. So, I did and got back online and IMed him back. And my keyboard got so much more fucked up but, anyways I just want to put our conversation on here. It's gonna be kind of hard to make out what i was saying since my keyboard was so messed up. But, it'll be OK.....
IXI MIKE R IXI [12:48 A.M.]: I'm bak
Pimpd7000 [12:48 A.M.]: sweeet
IXI MIKE R IXI [12:48 A.M.]: anyway=s my a=sl i=s 16/m/okala
IXI MIKE R IXI [12:48 A.M.]: my keyboard i=s bein very 7gay
Pimpd7000 [12:48 A.M.]: tight im in orlando
IXI MIKE R IXI [12:49 A.M.]: if you kant tell
Pimpd7000 [12:49 A.M.]: its kewl i can figure it out
Pimpd7000 [12:50 A.M.]: u got a pic?
IXI MIKE R IXI [12:50 A.M.]: it bekau=se i took it all apart today bekau=se i try to take it apart re7gularly and klean it out bekau=se food and =s-hit 7get=s down t-here in t-he key=s
Pimpd7000 [12:50 A.M.]: kewl
IXI MIKE R IXI [12:50 A.M.]: and i t-hink i mi7g-h of left a little bit of water in t-here and it=s kau=sin it to be 7gay
Pimpd7000 [12:50 A.M.]: got ya
IXI MIKE R IXI [12:51 A.M.]: umm yea, 7goto my profile and 7goto t-he bottom and klik t-he link t-hat =say=s my=spae.kom
Pimpd7000 [12:52 A.M.]: NICE
Pimpd7000 [12:53 A.M.]: i dont have a pic
IXI MIKE R IXI [12:53 A.M.]: kool
Pimpd7000 [12:53 A.M.]: but im 5'9 140 blond hair blue eyes, 6 pack, tan, i play baseball and weightlift
Pimpd7000 [12:55 A.M.]: sorry i got booted
Pimpd7000 [12:57 A.M.]: hello
Pimpd7000 [12:59 A.M.]: u still there?
IXI MIKE R IXI [1:00 A.M.]: No moron leave me alone i am not omoseual
IXI MIKE R IXI [1:00 A.M.]: leave me alone
Pimpd7000 [1:00 A.M.]: what
Pimpd7000 [1:00 A.M.]: i didnt say u were dude
Pimpd7000 [1:00 A.M.]: i didnt say u were dude
IXI MIKE R IXI [1:01 A.M.]: quit talkin to me like a fruitkake ten i kould karele if you ave a 6 pak
Pimpd7000 [1:02 A.M.]: alright well check it out man
Pimpd7000 [1:02 A.M.]: i got a hott ass girl
Pimpd7000 [1:02 A.M.]: i play sports, im pretty popular, im like not gay at all, but i am kind of curious
Pimpd7000 [1:02 A.M.]: but only some stuff tho
IXI MIKE R IXI [1:02 A.M.]: i bet e i fat
Pimpd7000 [1:03 A.M.]: huh
IXI MIKE R IXI [1:03 A.M.]: ut up
Pimpd7000 [1:04 A.M.]: do u see what im saying tho
IXI MIKE R IXI [1:04 A.M.]: queer
Pimpd7000 [1:04 A.M.]: lol nah man
Pimpd7000 [1:05 A.M.]: im anormal guy
IXI MIKE R IXI [1:06 A.M.]: ok new keyboard buddy... then why you tellin me my pics are nice
Pimpd7000 [1:06 A.M.]: bcause im curious about guys
Pimpd7000 [1:07 A.M.]: ive never been with a guy, i dont act gay at all
Pimpd7000 [1:07 A.M.]: but im kinda curious
IXI MIKE R IXI [1:07 A.M.]: I know man you trying to get some booty aint ya
Pimpd7000 [1:07 A.M.]: suckin mostly
Pimpd7000 [1:08 A.M.]: but ill take boot
IXI MIKE R IXI [1:08 A.M.]: What man you trying to find a guy that is suckin
Pimpd7000 [1:08 A.M.]: booty
IXI MIKE R IXI [1:08 A.M.]: And you wanna find a guy to give you some booty
Pimpd7000 [1:08 A.M.]: nah i wanna do it, and get it
IXI MIKE R IXI [1:09 A.M.]: You want me to get you up the butt
Pimpd7000 [1:09 A.M.]: i dunno bout that
Pimpd7000 [1:09 A.M.]: i am pretty hott tho
IXI MIKE R IXI [1:09 A.M.]: man you need to go on with your bad self somewhere else, you think you a pimp trying to pimp me aint gonna happen
IXI MIKE R IXI [1:09 A.M.]: man f you punk
Pimpd7000 [1:09 A.M.]: i wanna suck
IXI MIKE R IXI [1:10 A.M.]: you go suck your thumb and leave me alone
Pimpd7000 [1:10 A.M.]: lol
IXI MIKE R IXI [1:11 A.M.]: goodbye
Pimpd7000 [1:11 A.M.]: peace bro
IXI MIKE R IXI [1:11 A.M.]: peace to me but no peace to you because you is a flamer you will never have piece until that flame is out brotha
Pimpd7000 [1:11 A.M.]: aint no flamin here bro
Pimpd7000 [1:12 A.M.]: if u met me u would not think i had any kind of gay thoughts
Pimpd7000 [1:12 A.M.]: and my girl is really hott
IXI MIKE R IXI [1:12 A.M.]: man your over there like sucky sucky 5 dolla that is flamin hot
Pimpd7000 [1:12 A.M.]: i love pussy
IXI MIKE R IXI [1:12 A.M.]: man gay guys always get hot girls around them i hate it
Pimpd7000 [1:13 A.M.]: yeah but we have sex
IXI MIKE R IXI [1:13 A.M.]: that girl got a wiener?
Pimpd7000 [1:13 A.M.]: if she did i wouldnt be talkin to u, id have the best of both
IXI MIKE R IXI [1:14 A.M.]: see man exactly you tryin to find you a good lookin man to get some tallywacker.. so you come to me
Pimpd7000 [1:15 A.M.]: im just tryin to find somone in my shoes, i hate gay guys, they piss me off
IXI MIKE R IXI [1:15 A.M.]: then why you tryin to get pecker.
Pimpd7000 [1:15 A.M.]: cuz im curious, i wanna try it
IXI MIKE R IXI [1:15 A.M.]: and i aint even in my own shoes right now. its 1:15 in the morning good luck findin the person in your shoes
IXI MIKE R IXI [1:16 A.M.]: well you go talk to your uncle or someone about tryin it but dont talk to me good bye
Pimpd7000 [1:16 A.M.]: lol well your shoes off is a good start
Pimpd7000 [1:16 A.M.]: now we gotta work our way up
Pimpd7000 [1:16 A.M.]: stud
Pimpd7000 [1:17 A.M.]: ur scared you'll like it
Pimpd7000 [1:18 A.M.]: just put it in my mouth
Pimpd7000 [1:20 A.M.]: please
Well, wasn't that funny? After all of that I just had to report him to AOL because fucking faggot ass homosexuals should not IM me that will just piss me off. LOL. But, I guess I am going to goto bed now this time or atleast try to. Good night everyone. Oh and fuck the word count on this one LOL. I don't even care.