Aug 19, 2010 00:26
[Some shuffling, a pause, then a deep breath.]
Sorry I kind of fell off the face of the earth, people. And-- and that I haven't been around much. To be honest, I haven't really been sleeping well at all, so I've kind of been under the weather for awhile now.
Sure I'll be fine soon.
metaphorical gold finch,
when i left i wasn't thinkin
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He wants to ask if Gideon's alright, but the answer to that question is in his post. He spends a few minutes wondering exactly what to say before he just... spits something out.]
I-I, uh, do you-- w-want me to bring you s-something? A--Anything?
How 'bout some company? Sounds real nice right about now. Haven't heard from you in awhile.
[He spends a few seconds wondering if maybe he should take something anyway, but... he doesn't want to make Gideon wait. So he goes up to deck seven empty-handed, but hey, he's company.
Knock knock!]
Good to see you. Come in?
Yeah, th--thanks.
[And then he does as he was invited to do.]
So what's goin' on in my buddy's life? Catch me up, Xanth.
[Xanth goes to sit down on Gideon's bed next to him and chews his lip thoughtfully. He doesn't want depress Gideon or get him worried about Xanth, so... he's going gloss over that for now, unless Gideon asks.]
Not-- not t-too much? I-I mean, uh, I've m-mostly been k--keeping to m-my room. Or, uh, s-scrounging on d--deck twelve.
[And then, with a lighter tone,] I've, uh, I'm k-keeping out t-trouble!
Keeping out of trouble is very good. Now I don't have to pressure you into spilling the beans.
[And then he laughs, only a little self-conscious.] Y-Yeah, don't-- don't want th-that again.
How would showing up at Sergei's bother people? We're there to serve and entertain you... we like doing it. S'why we signed up.
[He gets nervous. That, and he's pretty sure that guy who attacked him that one time works there.
You know. Remy.]
Xanth has been called that before, but never in anything like a positive light. And this is a positive light, right? Sounds like it. Maybe.
Xanth's hoping.]
Th-- thanks! But I should, uh, p--probably just try to ig-ignore it, or s-something.
[Gideon looks around, then leans in a little bit.]
So... tell me. How are things going with... her..?
...n-not... not so g-good. I, uh, a-asked her... a-about the letter.
[Deeeep breath.]
It... it was f-for... s-someone else.
Real sorry to hear that, kid. You never know... later on down the road she may come around...
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