So much to do so little energy

Jul 19, 2017 13:19

Monday was Employee Appreciation Day at work. They fed us which is always nice. When I first started working at Walmart they fed us on such a day too. At first it was nice even if it did all come from the store deli area - a taco bar, fried chicken with all the trimmings, etc. Then it became either Walmart brand frozen pizzas or those thin little frozen hamburger patties and cheap hot dogs. Lowe's gives us a 10 oz freshly grilled steak, baked potato, salad, roll, green bean casserole, corn and a plethora of desserts (both furnished by the company and employee furnished). We all got stuffed on Monday and when I came in on Tues morning and went snooping to see if there were any rolls left - Oy vey! were there rolls left! - and saw that there were probably more than 50 foil wrapped baked potatoes, salad, corn, a shit ton of desserts and probably 40 lbs of steak left over. So yesterday the store manager fired up the grill and cooked the rest of the steaks. I was hanging around after clocking out for another steak and helped slice up and fry (more like just lubed, heated and seasoned) potatoes. They were pretty damn good. Plus another very small piece of a death-by-chocolate cake - damn was it rich! I even - at the HR manager's invitation - took another steak home with me which I cubed and ate room temp when I got home today with a side salad and some fresh from the balcony tomatoes. So I've had steak 3 days in a row and I'm a happy carnivore!

I picked up another shift on the register on Sat - 1 am to 4 pm - when one of the seasonals quit. I need the hours and with all the other schedule run overs I'll get pretty close to 40 hours this week but I really do hate having to work 6 days to get them. So only one day off this weekend.

Yesterday when I came home there was a note in the door saying that maintenance would be coming around to change furnace filters and check for leaks today. I saved them some time and called down to maintenance to tell them that I had noticed that my kitchen sink was once again leaking a little and that this time I would like a new faucet as the one they installed about 4 years ago has given me fits ever since. When I pulled everything out from under the sink in preparation I found that the leak was a little more involved than I had anticipated plus I also knocked the drain loose from the down-pipe while extracting shit. It made a mess. I came home to a brand new faucet! Cool. the note had also said that those on the 3rd floor (that's me!) would have the gutters on the balcony cleaned out. While on the phone with them yesterday I asked if they were going to use a step ladder. He said yes so I sighed and said I'd make as much room out there as I could but that they should feel free to move the big tubs around as needed. It took me awhile yesterday to extricate the cucumber vines from everything they'd grabbed a hold of but I got it done. I don't know it they got out there though because it rained like hell for a while about the time they would have been up here.

I've decided it's smart to make a large batch of unscented lotion and keep it in the fridge to scent when needed. Yesterday I had 2 ladies ask me for 2 different bottles of lotion - Nag Champa and Orange Creamsicle. I didn't have time yesterday but they're all made up and ready to deliver tomorrow. I've also promised samples of a new product next week (I hope I can follow through with only 1 day off this weekend). Today will supposedly be delivered my microdermabrasion crystals! Very, very fine grit to be used in a facial cleanser with clay. I can't wait to try this! I love my Foaming Silk Facial Cleanser but sometimes I want something to buff away the dead skin cells. This should do the trick. I might have to come up with a facial moisturizer a little more substantial than the gel though for afterwards and yet still light enough for summer. We'll see. I might go back to the Argan Silk Milk for after a nice facial buffing.

I was reading another Highlander fic at break this morning and wound up snorting tea out of my nose in response to Methos' description of Duncan. He called him Sulky MacPout of the Clan MacPetulance which just about covers it sometimes. I do like Duncan but he seems to vacillate back and forth between gorgeous and noble and irritating and judgmental.

I watched the season premiere of both Game of Thrones and The Strain. I liked both. I'm pleased that all of the combatants in GofT are now on one continent (that's no spoiler because it was in the works last season) so we can really get this show on the road. And one of the things I like about The Strain - besides the apocalyptic angst - is the fact that between the end of one season and the beginning of the next they push the time line forward but do it in such a way that you're not dazed and confused and wondering what the hell just happened. also, last weekend I mainlined both seasons (all 16 episodes) of The Last Kingdom. Back when they first came on I had to choose between Beowulf and The Last Kingdom to watch as it aired because I was pretty sure I wasn't going to be able to keep up with both as well as everything else I was watching. I chose Beowulf and I now realize I chose the wrong show. Beowulf is OK but The Last Kingdom is so much better. I originally thought that the main character in Last Kingdom - Uhtred - reminded me a lot of Richard Sharpe. They're both rough and tumble though Uhtred was born to what passed for the landed noble in England at the time and Sharpe was the son of a whore and raised in a whorehouse. They both instill either rabid loyalty from their own men and everything from ambivalence to dislike from their 'superiors' and enemies. And they're both mostly serial monogamists. And then it occurred to me that duh! both characters were created by Bernard Cornwell.

Anyway, time to go water the couple of plants that they rain didn't get to and then I might see about getting the ingredients measured out for the new facial cleanser so if I feel like it I can maybe put it together tomorrow. Then back to reading before bed!
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last kingdom, food glorious food!, sharpe, game of thrones, work, tv, lotions potions and brews, fanfic

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