A little over a week ago
killabeez rec'd a Highlander fic:
Up to the Challenge by Dasha
What if Adam Pierson had been a real person, rather then just deep cover?
I waited until the last part had been posted before reading and it was worth the wait. That led to more Highlander fic which I haven't read in quite awhile. And that led this long weekend to watching some of the Highlander episodes.
Can I make a confession? Other than the Methos episodes I don't really care for the show that much. Don't get me wrong, I adore Methos like mad and Duncan/Methos is one of my favorite couples. I also loved Joe and while I like Amanda she was never a favorite and I really could have cared less about Richie.
I remember watching Highlander when it was first on. The uniqueness of it drew me in at first but I also remember that I quit watching before the end of the first season because it just didn't draw me in. It had too many moments that were by turns overly dramatic and slapstick. But I do enjoy watching the Methos episodes because he's my favorite character, even over Duncan MacLeod. Duncan was just a little too judgmental and holier-than-thou sometimes. He was more interesting when he took the Dark Quickening in Season 4. Do you know if you go on AO3 and use the character filter on Highlander: The Series, Methos comes up almost 1000 times more than Duncan. Interesting. Obviously I'm not the only one who's reading (and writing - obviously) for the Methos factor.
Several years ago I went through a big Highlander phase and gobbled the fic voraciously. I even came up with a couple of decent plot ideas for stories that, of course, never came to anything other than a paragraph each in an idea folder:
#1 - A fusion with the Sharpe series where Duncan is an officer in Wellington's army in Spain and Methos is one of Wellingtons's Exploring Officers. That's about all the depth that idea got. Somewhere I also came to the idea that I might leave Duncan out altogether and pair Methos with Richard Sharpe. I think they'd get on together well. They're very pragmatic with very little of the idealist in either of them.
#2 - This one became more fleshed out in my mind and was rather more involved. It was a steampunk fusion with Ellen Kushner's Swordspoint novel. Duncan is the famous swordsman and Methos is the eccentric and more than half-crazy and befuddled scholar. They are Immortal and there are no Watchers. The monastery outside the city that's run by Darius is a sanctuary for Immortals who just need to take a break from themselves. A holiday from the stress if you will. Basically they willingly submit themselves to chemically induced amnesia for a certain period of time then they're usually brought back slowly to themselves. Methos needed such a break but then escaped into the city while being weened from the amnesia but still under the influence where Duncan finds him. He won't go back to the monastery so Darius charges Duncan with his safety. I'm not sure why I decided this needed the elements of steampunk - I think I was just going through a steampunk phase - but that part is optional to me.
I don't know why I felt the need to gush all over my journals about Highlander because I didn't really do that during my first flush of infatuation, but there you go. BTW, if either plot appeals to anyone be my guest because sure as hell I'll never write either of them.
This has been rather a lost weekend so far. I, of course, had many things I wanted to accomplish and have done practically none of them. Probably from lack of energy. I stayed up fairly late Thursday night and then woke up too early on Friday. Then Friday night I stayed up waaay too late but still made myself get up fairly early because I had a couple of errands to run and wanted to get them done before the heat of the day - which I did. When I got home I was so sleepy and I tried to take a nap but my daytime napping mechanism has been broken for quite some time. I've just lost the ability. It's not quite 8 pm right now and I'm rambling to keep myself active for at least another hour or so and then I'm crawling into bed. Hopefully I'll get a good night's sleep, get up early and be able to accomplish some things tomorrow.
I have some lotion orders to fill and I desperately need to do some house cleaning. I also wanted to separate out more books to sell. Besides needing the money I've just come to the point where I've realized that, while I still love my books, most of them are just sitting there collecting dust. My eyes get strained so easily that I really do prefer electronic print so that I can enlarge it to a comfortable reading size.
When it comes to TV I'm 2 weeks behind on Fear the Walking Dead and now 3 weeks behind on Wynonna Earp. I'm a year and a half behind on both Killjoys and Dark Matter! And I want to re-watch the last season of Game of Thrones in preparation for the new season that starts next Sunday. Winter is here! and all parties are converging on Westeros. Should be interesting. I've read that there will definitely be one more season after this one and that that should end it. We'll see. I'm not sure who I want to win the throne. I think if Jon Snow and Daenerys were to join forces and rule together they'd be a good team.
Oh! and to jump subjects again, I made my tiny little stuffed peppers today and they were delicious! Those five little peppers actually stretched to two meals. I was surprised. Also, this morning I woke with a yearning for Eggs in Purgatory (eggs baked in a spicy tomato sauce) but since I didn't have a sauce made and no energy to do it I settled for scrambled eggs and toast. But! I set aside some of the spicy tomato sauce I made for the stuffed peppers and Eggs in Purgatory shall be mine in the morning! And I shall top them with slivers of crispy ham and a good grating of Parmesan cheese. If I were traditional I'd have them over polenta or even grits (Southern American polenta baby!) but instead I'll probably go modern and have a small helping of tater tots to dunk in my runny egg yolks.
I got my first Black Prince tomatoes and they are delicious! Exactly what I want in a tomato - full flavor and a little more salty and acidic rather than sweet. Much better than the Early Girl tomatoes I've been having. Next year I'll get Black Prince seeds and start my own instead of settling on an Early Girl so I can get at least one tomato started early. I won't waste space on the Early Girl next year. I've gotten a handful of delicious beans from my vines but I've been hit by beetles that are making lace doilies of my bean leaves. I've been using insecticidal soap, trying to stay organic, but I may have to search for something stronger. I need to plant more beans tomorrow so I can keep them coming through the summer. I've also gotten my first cucumber which I shall have tomorrow with lunch but the squash aren't doing so well. I've gotten plenty of male blossoms and quite a few little females but the blossoms on them never mature and open. The poor little things just wither and die. I'll do a little research tomorrow and see if I can find out what's going on.
OK! Just enough time to clean up my dishes and then I'm crawling into bed because I can't stop yawning and it's getting harder to keep my eyes open even while typing. Please! Let me go to sleep and not just lie there in that in between twilight stage! I hate that!
And I hit the preview button this time before posting. Why has my damn formatting disappeared! It's all one huge run-on paragraph! Urrrr! I'll have to insert paragraph markers again. This has got to stop!
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