My sleep schedule is so screwed up

Apr 16, 2017 10:09

I really need to find a job where I work the second shift - afternoon through evening. I used to hate that shift not because I went out partying but because I never caught up on my TV shows. But hell, I don't get to watch live TV much anymore anyway. And right now I only seem to sleep good in the early and mid-morning. I'm like a little kid sometimes that, no matter that they're nodding off while sitting up, as soon as they're jerked awake exclaim 'I'm not sleepy!'

I finally got to sleep around 12:30 to wake up around 5. Just like last weekend I wanted to try and get at least a couple more hours of sleep even though I felt fairly wide awake. Next thing I know it's 9 am. Now I only have about 8-9 hours before I really need to go to bed again! *headdesk*

But at least I woke up energized. In the hour I've been up I've had breakfast - a modest but yummy portion of biscuits and gravy (still within my carb allotment but now reserved for weekends only), my little sweet potatoes are in the oven, the ham is prepped and ready to go in the oven about noon and the homemade applesauce is on the stove simmering away. It's a good thing it's supposed to be a cool day because the oven is going to be going a good portion of it and I certainly don't want to turn on the a/c. I opened the balcony door all the way when I got up at 5 to pee (it rained pretty good last night so I couldn't leave it open overnight) and just closed off my bedroom so I wouldn't freeze. It's pleasantly chilly in here right now but it'll warm up soon enough.

A little later on when it brightens up a bit more I'll take pictures of the balcony garden and post them. And as soon as I get the ham in the oven and off the counter I'll start in on my lotions, potions and brews endeavors. It's amazing what a good amount of sleep will do for your productivity levels.

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food glorious food!, sleep deprivation, work

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