Jan 18, 2014 20:41
Wednesday I was able to talk to one of the night co-mgrs and she gave me this weekend off to get my sleep schedule turned around. I go in Mon night at 10 pm and we'll get a schedule sorted out for me then. If my days off turn out to be Wed-Thurs I hope they let me take off M-T next week so I'll only have a 7 day week instead of a 9 day run. It probably won't be a problem.
I was in such a good mood all week. Even the usually asinine instructions I was given didn't throw me because I knew it was coming to an end. And then Thursday happened. The day itself was OK but when I went out to my car to come home it seems that someone hit the driver's side rear quarter panel of my tired old car. I was pissed but it looked fairly superficial so I wasn't completely bent out of shape. Then I got in and started to drive and quickly determined that whenever I made a right turn or hit a dip there was something scraping and rubbing underneath. I limped around to the auto care center and the ASM in charge very nicely came out to take a look and then attempted to pry it up a little. He checked and apparently it's not the tire being rubbed to I went ahead and crept on home on the back roads doing about 25-30 mph.
When I called in to say I was going to at least be tardy to work on Fri I found out that the police were called out because of an unattended car rolling in the parking lot. If my car was a victim of this I can only assume they never tracked me down because it was a glancing blow and the car kept rolling. I never made it into work because the garage couldn't get to my car until almost noon. On Mon I'll go into work a little early and talk to security and see if they can pull up the footage of the accident. The good news is is that if I was a victim of the rolling car the police will have the license plate number and driver details so hopefully I can get reimbursed. I only have liability on my old car so I had the garage just do the minimum to get it running but give me an estimate of what it would take to fix it. I won't get it fixed though because I've come to the determination that it's time for another car.
I poked around online to get an idea and I can afford the payments on something older with some (but not outrageous) mileage. I've always been leery of buying a used car even though I know millions of people do and never regret it. But it's become a necessity.
And the upshot of this is...no Mexico vacation. At least not this spring and maybe not until next spring. We'll have to see about this fall.
Funny thing is, I'm not too terribly torn up and suicidal about the mess. I guess it's because, while my car was in an accident, I wasn't. Because I was planning for a vacation I actually have the cash to do something about it - or I will after I get my income tax refund. And most of all, my work status is finally changing so that's a huge weight off of me.
I couldn't make it past midnight last night and I was awake (more or less) by about 6. But I did manage to take about a 3 hour nap this afternoon so I'm hoping like hell to stay up until 3 am or so and then maybe even a bit longer tomorrow night (or rather Mon morning). I have a feeling my first few night shifts are going to be pretty miserable though. But it won't take me long to adjust.
So anyway, I just have to keep myself awake for another 6 hours. *headdesk*
yucatan vacation! - not,
car trouble