Happy Labor Day from one who labors as little as possible today!

Sep 02, 2013 11:52

I'm on the tail-end of a 3 day weekend and I'm definitely doing my sloth impression today. I did most of what had to be done yesterday just so today would be task-less. But not totally because I put off emptying the litterbox and taking down the trash to wait for today's gorgeous weather!

The Midwest is coming off a week plus of nearly (and actual) 100 degree days with high humidity. It was nasty but not unexpected for the end of August. But a front came through yesterday, the temps and humidity plummeted and it's a gorgeous low 80s today with very acceptable humidity. I did my cooking yesterday while the a/c was running so I wouldn't heat up the apartment today. later when I want cornbread with my beans I'll use my little Babycakes machine to make tiny, crusty 3-bite muffins.

I had a lovely and unexpected chat with
khaleesian yesterday. Too short though, damn the 7 hours time difference! That was a definite bright spot in my weekend.

Fannishly, since
killabeez wrote her lovely Come in from the Cold GEN crossover of SPN and Highlander a couple of months ago, I've been stuck on Highlander mode.

I went hot and heavy on Highlander a few years ago - but I think it must have been pre-Supernatural so that's about 9 years - and it didn't last more than a few months. I used to be pretty much a serial monogamous when it comes to fanfiction so it was shut out in favor of SPN for years with occasional forays of fanfic infidelity. I seem to be loosening up somewhat in my affections though and becoming more poly-amorous in my reading because I'm still making dips into J2, Teen Wolf and mainstream fic while mostly being stuck on Highlander.

Did you know you can watch all 7 seasons of Highlander on Youtube? You can! Of course I didn't find that out until after I'd acquired the series elsewhere. Go figure.

My fascination with Highlander skews slightly from the norm but I don't think I'm alone. For me, Highlander is all about Methos. I just adore the guy! I love Duncan, too (but mostly when paired up with Methos - Duncan needs Methos to balance him out). I adore Joe, he can stay, so can Amanda (as long as she's not hogging Duncan), but I'm sorry, I could care less about Richie. I didn't wish him dead, just off traveling by himself.

I'm always thinking about writing even if I actually do very little of it, I have several HL stories in my mind. All AUs! One is set in al-Andalus (Islamic Spain) in the 900s (making Duncan born about 600 years earlier, but that's still nothing to Methos). That put me into severe RESEARCH mode (more on that later). But that story would be longer and more involved. I had something shorter and more feasibly accomplished, something under 5000 words - not easy for me! A kind of fusion with the Swordspoint verse by Ellen Kushner.

And because my mind works in mysterious ways, this weekend I watched both of Cate Blanchett's Elizabeth movies followed by Xmen 2 (because I'm reading a Xmen/HL crossover) and XMFC and somehow that segued into the desire to write a HL steampunk AU - but in Elizabethan times! (which I've since discovered is an off-shoot of steampunk called clockwork punk). I decided (and khal concurred) that the clockwork punk idea would wedge very nicely into the HL/Swordspoint AU. But I've never read much steampunk let alone clockwork punk and that shoved me into RESEARCH mode again! *headdesk* My brain, I swear!

I've decided I can just color that fusion with clockwork punk and still keep the story short but my mind is totally writing grandiose checks in the form of story ideas for a sequel to that that my writing ethic will probably never be able to cash. Oh well, it's good to have goals, right?

Anyway, I hope all my American flisters are having a wonderful holiday weekend (and everyone else is having a good Monday). I think I actually feel the urge to write coming on so I'd better take advantage of it.


writing, highlander, labour day, weather

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