...a Lamborghini in a Walmart parking lot. Just like this one.
What? He blew his wad on a sweet ride and now he's reduced to cruising the Rollbacks? That's a beautiful color, too.
And speaking of temperatures - what? Isn't everyone? Well, everyone in the lower Midwest anyway. It's 103 frickin' degrees outside. Believe me, it could be worse. Since the humidity is only 23% it actually only feels like 103. A lady at work who walked out with me said "It feels like you're walking into an oven!" But at least it doesn't feel like you're walking into an oven and then having someone toss a hot, damp blanket over your head. Although, in a car with no a/c, with the windows down and moving along the highway, it feels like sitting in a convection oven with that hot cooking air circulating around you. I found it particularly refreshing to pour about a cup of chilly water out of my bottle down my bra. Very refreshing!
Last year I had Northern (Baltimore) Orioles partaking of the nectar in the hummingbird feeder. She's back this year and she has her youngins with her: two smaller and much more slender orioles whose coloring isn't as intense. They're much more vocal than their parents, too. They were letting me know in no uncertain terms that the feeder was running dry. I had some in the fridge that I'd normally let come to room temperature before putting out, but since those poor birds were out there with their wings held out and their mouths open (bird version of panting), I just poured it in straight from the fridge. They loved it! I also emptied and refilled the bird water with nice fresh, cool water. It was much appreciated.
Even though this morning I gave the plants extra water because of the heat, the Swiss chard, which is a big leafy plant that shows the effects of the heat first, was almost completely wilted down. I threw a big glass of cool water on it (and the cukes) and they;re making a comeback...slowly.
Another 100+ day tomorrow and then it dips down in the mid to upper 90s for at least a week.
In the meantime I'm having a ball with my new Kindle Fire even though I still haven't gotten it online yet. Monday after work I stopped by the Comcast office to trade in my modem for one that supports wireless, but they were just calling for customer #41 and my ticket said #63. And there were only 2 ladies working the desk. I didn't need it that bad after an exhausting day and the heat - only 99 that day. Tues after work I went up to the big, beautiful Hy-vee grocery store with the kick-ass salad bar. I was going to sit in their dinning area and partake of their salad bar and wifi. Unfortunately they seem to have discontinued their wifi. :( But the salad was still kick-ass. I figured 'what-the-hell', I'll just wait until Sat now and get up and out early before Mother Nature turns on the oven and get my ass to the Comcast office.
Now I think I'm going to have some of the primo roast beef I bought at the deli and some of my homemade potato salad with a really good, ripe nectarine for dessert. Anything that isn't hot!