Jun 29, 2011 12:30
The last 2 days have been rather grueling. The mini-remodel, the remodel that was supposed to be all about the clothing departments with just a few touches elsewhere, kept being pushed back and pushed back because TPTB didn't get us the damn fixtures we needed. We're going from the tall walls that are hard to shop, don't hold as much and are claustrophobic as hell back to the system of racks and tables we used to have and everyone liked (us and the customers) much better. But guess what? No racks!
They were delivered Fri night but the remodel crew doesn't work from late Fri afternoon until the night shift on Sun because the store is just too busy. I came in Monday to the boys department with the bones finally set the way it's supposed to be and a crew of 3 visiting associates from other stores (who were wonderful, btw) plus partial help from 3 of the remodel team. It took us the whole shift plus a little tweaking yesterday but it looks fantastic. Yesterday was the girl's department. Same team of 3 visiting associates except this time we were in a groove. While we were doing that the remodel team was frantically putting together the clothing part of infants and toddlers. Both areas are now basically set but I had no input into my infants dept and haven't even really had time to look at it.
Today is men's wear and tomorrow is ladies (they've been doing little bits on them as they've moved the kid's clothing out). We've had to cram what we should have had nearly 2 weeks to do into slightly less than a week because the crew is pulling out at the end of the week.
I am so freaking exhausted. last night when I got home, after I took my shower to wash off the funk, all I wanted to do was crawl in bed and sleep until today but I couldn't. I had my clinic appointment at 7 pm and since my last visit was 6 mos ago I really needed to keep the appointment. I didn't get home until around 9 pm. For some reason I managed to stay awake until about midnight and I slept until almost 9 but feel groggy and drugged. My eyes are dry and irritated and I have absolutely zero energy. I'm going to go take a nap in a little bit.
I did manage to get myself out of the house before the temperature ramped up too high (mid 90s with matching humidity today and pushing 100 tomorrow). I always say I'm going to get out while it's still relatively cool but usually don't manage it. So, trash taken out, rent paid and new lease signed. Made a short trip to the library to pick up 'Apartment Gardening' that's been on order for several months. I picked up another container gardening book with lots of pretty pictures to peruse and the writing section caught my eye. I like to leaf through writing books every now and then for...whatever. I picked up 'Creativity Rules!' (probably a waste), 'Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing' (I can always use help with grammar) and 'Bullies, Bastards & Bitches: How to Write the Bad Guys of Fiction' (the title just looks fun).
I just watched the second ep of S4 of True Blood (plays one week earlier in Canada) and I was surprised to see that they're pulling in a couple of things from the books that I was wondering about a couple of months ago. It'll be interesting to see where they go. I burned them to disc so I can take them in for Heather, my hopefully one of these days assistant. She's been re-watching the first 3 seasons of TB the last couple of weeks in preparation. She's a big TB fan but she's never read the books. I'm going to try and dig out my first couple of paperback for her.
Now, I mentioned something about a nap.
container garden,
true blood,