May 21, 2011 19:31
One of the things I really missed when I was without the internet at home was watching True Blood because I don't have extended cable. There have been several times in the last 2 1/2 months that I've thought was catching up by watching S3 but there always seemed to be something else that caught my attention. Then last night during the season finale of Supernatural (which I loved), I saw a commercial for the S3 dvd set of True Blood coming out soon because S4 begins in a couple of weeks and that's all she wrote.
I managed to watch the first 4 eps last night before I had to go to bed. This morning I managed to stay in bed until 9 am and watched Ep 5 with breakfast before turning it off to watch 2 of my favorite cooking shows that I've missed out on the last couple of months because they only show on Sat and I've worked them all. Then back to TB.
I just got done watching ep 6 thru 12 and my eyeballs feel like their about to dry up and pop out of my head.
Why do I love this cheesetastic show so much? I don't particularly care for most of the characters although they do take turns ebbing and flowing, in and out of my circle of like/dislike.
I've never despised Anna Paquin as Sookie the way a lot of people have but the character of Sookie was pretty damn holier than thou in the first season. I like her a lot better now.
I've never cared for Vampire Bill, not in the books and not in the show.
The first 2 seasons Jason was an active irritant that I could have done without, but this season I found myself actually liking him - at least part of the time.
I like the Sam Merlott in the books but my like for him vacillates quite a bit in the show. I do feel sorry for him for his 'family' though. I'd like to feel sorry for Tommy, but he pretty much used up all of my goodwill pretty early in the season.
Tara irritates the shit out of me sometimes. I know she's had a rough life and a part of me really admires her spirit and the strength she can show, but she's too prone to whining and lashing out in anger and blaming anyone and everyone around her for what's wrong in her life. It gets a little old.
Arlene's pretty much a sanctimonious bitch that I could totally do without.
I like Terry Bellefleur but really dislike cousin Andy. I really like Lafayette although I really want to smack him in the back of the head quite often. His drug selling makes a lot more sense this season.
I like Hoyt and Jessica together. Separately they're too (in order) dreary and ditzy, but they balance each other well.
I love Eric because he doesn't pretend to be something he isn't and I adore Pam. Pam is one of the characters in the book that I absolutely love, too. Although I do miss the Pam in the book who only wears the vampy outfits for Fangtasia and dwells for the most part in pastel sweater sets and pearls.
The two new characters that seem to be going on into season 4 - Lafayette's new squeeze Jesus(Kevin Alejandro) and the werewolf Alcide, I do like. It'll be interesting so see how they develop in S4. It'll be interesting to see how Jason's new kitty - Crystal - plays out in S4 and if she'll differ greatly from the book.
I did like S3 and good deal more than S2 - less fantastical and frankly absurd, even for a show about vampires, werewolves and fairies.
Season 4 begins this Thursday and I can't wait.
So tell me again - why do I love this cheesetastic show so much?
Also, anyone got any good fic recs? *G*
true blood