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Oct 18, 2010 18:46

For some reason this doesn't seem to have cross-posted from Dreamwidth - yet. So if it shows up twice, sorry for the spamming.

Saturday 5 pm

For a day that was going to be reserved strictly for sloth (and the absolutely necessary load of laundry), I got an amazing amount done.

Because I was dead tired Friday night I wound up in bed early and was up by about 8:30 this morning. I was feeling antsy so I got out early and over to the library. I got there before the rush so I got a computer right away.

Then I knew I had to run down to the nearest WalMart (something I try NOT to do on my days off) to order my new glasses and get my flu shot. I also had to pick up the required detergent for my overdue load of laundry. Then I had to fill up the car and decided to stop by a little discount place I’ve seen but never been in called ‘Deals’. You know, you really have to be careful in those kinds of places, they do have a lot of ‘deals’ but a lot of the stuff is actually more expensive than it is in a grocery store. They’re pretty insidious that way.

Then I decided to go on by the grocery store so I wouldn’t have to do it Monday after work. I normally don’t consider myself a cheese connoisseur (as a matter of fact my cheese of choice is generally a marbled Colby/Monterrey Jack) but they were giving samples of flavored cheddar from Wisconsin. The Blueberry was alright, it had a pronounced blueberry taste at first without the sweetness, but the Mango Fire was a winner! It hits you with the cool, pleasant (but not at all sweet) taste of mango that leads into a smooth, mild cheddar and finishes with a definite heat that lingers without burning. Delicious! I had to have some. Next time I’m going to try either the Tomato Basil or the Garlic Chive. They both sound yummy.

Now I’m home, groceries unpacked and put away, Phouka has been chased off the top of the high bookshelf and thoroughly chastised though he could give a shit for my rants (the pottery up there isn’t expensive but I love it and I wouldn’t be able to replace it) and I’ve eaten something completely bad for me - a dinner plate sized (albeit very thin) crispy puff pastry wheel layered with cinnamon and sugar. Yum!

The brother just called to say his back is giving him trouble and can we do his BDay meal next weekend. No problem! The chicken goes in the freezer and the cake mix back in the cupboard. So tomorrow is just for that load of laundry, reading, TV and a little cooking.

Now I’m going to read a little fic while I digest my illicit treat and then I feel a bout of alchemy coming on. I think some nice Fizzing Powdered Bath Oil. I think I’ll split the batch in half and make some of it grapefruit with just a hint of tangerine to sweeten it and the other half rosemary & lavender, a combination that I love. And maybe some Brown Sugar Vanilla-Spice body polish. Now that old age is coming at me like a freight train, my formerly oily skin has become surprisingly dry.

Unfortunately I can’t delve too deep into my stash of natural body care supplies because most of the recipes call for fairly precise measurements and my digital scale bit the dust last year. I’ll have to pay my bills and see if there’ll be any left over for an inexpensive one. When I go the library again Monday evening I’ll check online for prices and maybe go by Bed, Bath & Beyond and see what they have. sigh I do miss my little scale.

And now for something totally unrelated!

From time to time I still get crap from Blockbuster in the mail, even though it’s been more than 2 years since we’ve parted ways. Today I got one such piece of flotsam. It seems Blockbuster has filed Chapter 11 in the Bankruptcy Courts. I guess I still have a little animosity towards my former employer because that just brought a little smile to my face. Bad Dawn!


Sunday 11 pm

The weather today was lovely and sloth and I became much better acquainted. The Fizzing Powdered Bath Oil turned out lovely and it smells and feels divine in the bath. Instead of the Brown Sugar Body Polish I decided I needed more of my Peppermint Foot Cream. All this time on my feet has not been kind to them and I need to get into a better foot care regime. Strangely it didn’t come together as a cream this time and instead it’s a thick, creamy lotion and that’s perfectly fine. I actually tried to turn it into a lotion once and it didn’t work. I’ll just have to see if the emulsification holds or if it separates out into water and solids. A day or so should tell.

Well, past time for me to get my ass in bed. The weekend was all too brief and morning is going to come way too early.

Monday 6 pm

They threw me in the shark pool (aka the clearance aisle) for the whole day. I will be so freaking glad when all this shit is over and done.

body care products, work, blockbuster sucks!

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